Symbolism :)

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° Skye's cigarettes :

It's a symbol for her sadness and unreachable dreams, burrowed somewhere under as she concealed them, and also an effort to fade away the unnecessary thoughts like a smoke.

° The flower field :

It symbolizes our want of everything good around us, until there's no bad left.

° The wooden house in the forest :

The house where Mark and Lucas had spent alot of time is a symbol for a house full of memories we all carry inside our hearts.

° Mark's black clothes :

A symbol that he wants to hide his innermost dark feelings from the world.

° The sunflower Mark had given to Skye :

It's a symbol that time fades away or blurs the memories. When he first gave her the sunflower, it was all bright, presenting the present moment they both wanted to be in forever. But after getting apart, that same sunflower dries up. They've been distant by time, and the bright colours of their memories fade away as time blurs the moments they had. Of course some memories do not just disappear completely, but just get blur. (Maybe that's the only reason time is a healer..)

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