Nine : C'est La Vie

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Mark :

Sometimes life gets stuck. But sometimes things start to change. Just like that.

Whole night, he kept thinking about how she had talked to him, as if they were friends in the past. Of course, the undeniable suffering was still there, dragging him down, but something about her made him want to forget something called pain that had wrapped him up.
She wasn't really pretty, like those other hot girls, with oceanic eyes and obscene long eyelashes......the kind of pretty people mostly fall for. She wasn't like that. She was kind of beautiful to make you feel magical.....and.....he didn't know if that made any sense.

But still he wanted to forget that they'd met. He knew it was a terrible, terrible idea to make that stupid deal. Because afterall, all the people would leave after loving you. It again reminded him of Lucas, and his heart cracked up into two.

It was a bright February morning, trees swaying and birds fluttering, but he couldn't calm the storm inside. It was difficult to unthink, once you have the thought. His mind was an agglomeration, and he couldn't set apart the good and the bad.
He got up from the dusty couch and banged his head on the wall, trying to collapse the pain. Stupid. Stupid.Stupid.Why do I take everything so deeply, why I have to feel too much? When it didn't work, he turned on the television, but all the shows were horrible and the same. He shrugged, realizing how strange he was. When nothing calmed him, he got out his diary and wrote to Lucas,

"I'm hollow inside, just because of you. Why did you leave me? I know it must have been hard to do that, but....God, I'm dying without you. You should have atleast you want to.go away, so I would have.gone away with you too. I've lost myself in losing you, but I can't really get you back. If someone loses a 'thing', it is easy to find it back. As easy as putting a penny in your pocket. But it isn't the same with people. Once they get lost, it's hard to find them back. And sometimes, you can't even know they're lost. I'm....I'm freaking out, okay? It's like, someone has broken glasses and goes to the nearest local store, and they tell him that all the glasses in the world are gone, so he has to live without them. That's what's happening to me, Lucas....I Can't see anything else unless with you."

Few minutes later, his dad was once again seated in his living room. And he looked worried, seeing Mark trembling.
"Listen, Mark..."he said, "It's okay---"
Mark flared and cut him off,
"What is okay, Dad? That I have a dead best friend, whose bones are rotting in some place I've never been? That he was the one who showed me the world and then left me on my own, is it okay with you?"
His dad bowed his head like a scolded puppy, and replied,
"You can come home. We'll figure it out. I can call a psychiatrist. They'll--"
"Really?" Mark laughed, "Holy shit, you think I'm crazy because I'm grieving? And to tell you Dad, the fucking psychiatrist doesn't really care about my happiness, but the money. Got it? There's rather nothing you can do."
His dad nodded painfully. Mark still couldn't believe how his dad had recovered from his mum's death that soon. His dad was the richest businessman in the city and had the whole world at his feet. Yet he couldn't really do anything for Mark. There is no way. Money isn't solution to all the problems.
"I'm sorry, dad." Mark said apologizingly, "I'm fine. Just let me stay here. I love you, dad. You know that, right?"
His dad embraced him in his arms, and Mark wanted to let go, but he didn't.
It reminded him of the days when happiness wasn't rare.

Skye :

Just like all the shells deep in the ocean have rare pearls, she believed life is like that too. It always contains the good, even though it's buried somewhere deep in the sea.

For the first time, she didn't walk all the way to the shop or took ride in Mia's Blue Citrus. She rode her yellow bicycle, and her red hair were flowing through the wind. It was amazing. For a moment, she felt like if, life and happiness were almost within her reach....

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