Fourteen : ocean of words

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Mark :

He remembered Lucas had told him once,
"Real hurting doesn't happen to those who break easily, or can't handle the bleeding. It takes time to grow scars; you do not just become. Everything including hurt takes time."

Mark was fully aware that pain takes time to ruin you, just like every Autumn tree loses all it's orange leaves. When Lucas died, Mark was filled with inevitable pain, and to say it would one day end wasn't really true, because with each passing day scars would dive deeper in his sea of heart. So whatever he had become, it took time.
The same way he thought that healing takes time too, just like every tree grows back its leaves.
But we are not trees, rather fragile humans. We don't recover over course of seasons.

But.......the moment he had met Skye, his heart knew how to smile. It didn't even take time, as they had just spent few days, but she made everything that pained, a little less hurting.
She didn't bring back Lucas, nor did she numb the pain. All she did was be with him, and she always acted as if she wasn't the biggest miracle that had happened to him.

He took out his spiral notebook, and wrote to Lucas,
"I miss you. Every morning, every night. And I wish you were here to see me in love, Lucas. It feels like my chest is a window and she is the light coming inside. Her smile heals me like nothing else can. That smile, I swear, can end wars and cure cancer."
He would tell Lucas every night about Skye, and if he were here, he would've been so happy. He would always become joyous, whenever he would see Mark being happy. He would say,
"Seeing you smile like that makes me the happiest friend in this world."

So he stood up and glanced at the morning sky. For the first time, amid the snow, sunshine felt good to him, and all his unwelcomed thoughts left him for a while, as he thought about her. The girl who'd put his pain aside for a while.
He messaged her while looking at her little home, and she was talking a little different :

7:05 A.m : Ocean of Words

Him : Morning. I was just thinking about you.

Her : I noticed that you have a little grey in your green eyes, and they change colour every moment.

Him : And I had noticed that you are a butterfly.

Her : That is funny, because I'm still a caterpillar.

Him : No, you have no idea who you are.

Her : Oh really, Smartypants? How can you say that? You don't even know me. Plus, that's what everybody else sees me as.

Him : Why do you care about people?

Her : How can you not? I mean, I always fall off people's expectations, and I'm just a mess.

Him : You should not live with people's expectations, but rather your own. And I think you're the girl who loves stars and late night conversations. And most people don't like that, because they're silly.

Her : Yeah stars are beautiful, and people are foolish enough to not stare at them. They say that these things are just in books, and that stars are just little balls of fire in the galaxy. They don't know how wrong they are.

Him : That's my point. So why do you want to be adored by people who are this foolish?

Her : Don't push it. I think I'm just in a bad mood. Or maybe I'm just sad.

Him : Why are you sad?

Her : Do you care ?

Him : Do you care me caring for you?

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