Twenty-six : far, far away

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Skye :

It was hard to convict that her best and worst moments revolved around the same night.

Before she could think of something to do, her eyes fell on her old weird neighbour, Georgia, who was sitting on her porch facing the sun. She would mostly spend her mornings outside, so maybe she had seen Mark leaving or something. She really didn't want to talk to that old lady, after all that'd happened, but she needed to find him more than anyone else in the world. Even more than herself.

"Hey", she said, while standing near her porch. Georgia didn't reply, so she again asked,
"Uh, I just wanted to ask if you've seen...Mark who's the boy with green eyes always with me, going somewhere this morning?"
Old Georgia inhaled and slowly said,
"Young love bird, go fly away."
She realized that she could not expect any answer from that weird lady, so she started walking away.
Behind her, Georgia again said,
"I've seen your guy. He went that way", she pointed her old fragile fingers towards the road that lead to to city,
"He was crying. Real hard. Wonder why love does that."
Skye placed her hand on her mouth, to prevent crying louder...

It's fine...
He's going to be okay.
He's going to be fine.
You're going to fix this.
Fix that green-eyed boy.

A moment later, she saw some aged doctor making his way towards Georgia's house.
"What's the matter?", she asked the doctor who was hurrying inside.
He looked back at her, and spoke in a Southern accent,
"Don't ya know?"
"Know what?"
"That this old woman has lost her memory bout five years ago? Her brother from 'round the Tennessee sends me here every week. Ya hear me? EVERY WEEK. For treatments. But eh, kid, nothing really works. She remembers nothing, except that her past was beautiful."
It felt like she was stabbed in the heart, once she realized that the person she was judging and calling weird had been sick all along. She felt really sorry for her, and angry at herself and life, so she decided to spend some little time with her while the doctor was here, before starting her journey. (Mark would have liked to do that, too).

"Can I come in too?", she asked Georgia, as she and the doctor were going inside.
"Sure, dear", she replied, and all three of them forged inside.
It was the first time she came inside her home, and it was so ugly and drab that it started to make her depressed. She would never want to get old. She wished she could be young forever, and never cease to run like a wild girl chasing the sun.
"They say I don't remember anything", Georgia started speaking, as the doctor went through some papers,
"But, kid, I do remember that my life was beautiful. Some familiar feelings strike me, but I can't put them together."
"It's going to be fine", she replied with the words she wished to hear for herself.
"Cookies?", the old lady offered, and Skye kindly took one with chocolate chips showered on it like stars.
As she took the first bite (it tasted horrible, by the way), she examined Georgia's picture placed on the side table, the picture of younger version of herself. She seemed really beautiful, and she thought how many people had looked so stunning before old age struck them. She realized that time passes real fast, and not even a single day is guaranteed.
So she got up, because she'd gathered a little courage to find him, and to tell him he meant the universe for her.
"Are you going after him?", Georgia asked with a numb tiring expression on her face.
It was really weird how she knew most of the things except of her own self, and Skye nodded slowly, feeling profound hurt.
Georgia nodded back and smiled.
"Go love bird, fly away. Before it's too late."


When she got out of her house, she realized she did want to fly away like a bird~far, far away. In beautiful fields and clear blue skies.
She stood there, and thought how to go that far after him, because the river was quite far. Riding the bicycle would take too much time.
But soon enough, she saw Blue Citrus out of the blue, making it's way towards her.
Mia walked out of the car and hugged her tight.
"It's okay, Skye", she said atlast, so she started crying harder.
"What are you doing here?" She asked Mia.
"To help my friend get back that guy, idiot", Mia giggled, "we're gonna ride this Blue Citrus. She's ready for a long ride!"
Skye smiled while wiping her tears with the back of her hand, and almost whispered,
"I think I know where he is. But the river is too far away."
"I'll drive you", Mia ensured, "Don't worry, I'm here, sassy queen."
Skye nodded, and when millions of stars cracked in her life, she (again) whispered,
"What if....I Don't find him?"
"Don't say that", Mia replied, "True lovers always find their way back to eachother in the end."
Skye smiled,
"So you do believe in happy endings, afterall."
"No", Mia spoke softly, "It's not like I believe in happy endings, but maybe there is some happiness in this world, and it's worth finding. In life, there is no specific time for happiness or sadness. Sometimes happy endings may be a little sad too, or maybe the sadness always has little sparks of hope and happiness in it. Because we are humans, we need not to be hopeless. We need to just live and love, and pick our own endings."

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