Twenty-five : the universe in his eyes

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Skye :

The morning sun came, unmindful of brightening her dark night.

She took off his warm coat, and ran towards his house. The sun was up, filling the world with a new day.
Going towards his house, it reminded her of the first day when she'd gone inside his room. It was true that she did not love him back then--
But now, her every part ached for him. As if her heart was made of glass and it had shattered into innumerable pieces. Her every heartbeat whispered his name. And her every second without him felt like a year without sun.
None of these things had happened when she was with Adam. And everything would have been absolutely better if she hadn't lied. It would have been better if she'd chosen to break only one heart of Adam. But now, as the tides washed her in, she had broken Mark and would soon break Adam too.
She terribly wished that hearts weren't so fragile, because in the end, all humans do is blame their hearts, for it's constant hunger and dreams.
But, then again, all our warmest feelings are enclosed within this wild creature.

When she reached on his porch, her hands started to tremble, and she felt weak in the knees. She wanted everything that had happened last night to be a child's dream fading away the next day. But it wasn't.
She knocked slowly on his front door, her heart rolling up like a sleeping bag, but he didn't open. She knocked once, twice, thrice.
The windows were closed and his drab curtains didn't let her see inside. She walked towards the backdoor, and luckily it was ajar---as always.
She didn't have some epic speech to apologise, and she knew she would disappear into a pool of tears without saying a word. In fact, her teardrops were right in her eyes, waiting for her to blink.

His room smelled of alcohol, and his bookshelf was laid on his floor, beside his guitar. She didn't know he could play guitar too, and her heart somehow made her realize she hadn't known him at all.
"Mark!!!!", she shouted, and heard nothing but echo of her own voice. The living room was empty, and so was the rest of his large house.
There was a study room upstairs that also smelled like alcohol. In fact, his whole house smelled like some streetside bar.
She forged inside the study room which was larger than her own bedroom (even his washroom was larger). She stood by the window and a lump formed in her throat.
She didn't know what to really do, so she called him.
He didn't pick up, and she had to listen to the Stardust's song again and again.

I had been on my own
All my life
No one ever came, no one ever went
Until I met you

On the seventh bell, she sent him a voice mail. In the first two mails, she could say nothing except cry, until the third time she gathered crumbled courage.
"Mark", she began, "Mark..........I know it makes no sense at all, but God, I love you....Adam? He's nothing, and you''re everything, Mark. Where are you? Because I can't find you. Mark. I'm lost. Please, tell me where you are."
She could not continue further. The only thing she hoped was his well-being, wherever he was.
But she desperately needed him, and her soul seemed like ripped apart into pain. They had been together just few weeks, yet sometimes, people make home in your heart within a short span. Lifetime isn't necessary for this unlimited feeling called love.
He was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she could never let go of him.
She needed to find him, even if she had to cross the oceans of despair and thousand years of pain.

She would find him
Tell him he meant the world for her
She would find hin
And write about him forever
Or sing him to sleep all night
She would find him
And tell him the love she had
Was everything beyond the universe
In his eyes

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