Part 1

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"Why are you so happy?" I asked, putting my phone away after taking videos and photos of her enjoying the first heavy snowfall of the year. I watched as she smiled with each step, the crunching sound of the snow beneath her shoes making her smile wider.

"Because I get to experience something like this with you." She replied, lifting her head up and staring into my eyes. Her eyes were always so honest.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief, "You're this happy about something as simple as this? We've seen snow together many times." I chuckled, why is she so adorable?

"I know, but look." She motioned to our footprints, slowly disappearing under the heavy snow, "It hasn't been that long, but our prints are already disappearing."

"Isn't that kind of sad?" I asked, but she shook her head no, and I raised a questioning brow.

"Those prints may have already disappeared, but as long as we're here together," She took my hand and led me a few steps forward, before turning around and saying, "There'll always be more prints walking side by side."

"Cheesy." I playfully nudged her side with my elbow.

"I know, but you like it."

"I won't deny that." I smiled, staring up at her with a smile so wide I know my gums are showing.

"Something wrong?" I asked, a few moments had passed but she was still just staring at me.

"Nothing." She shook her head at me, and held out her hand again, "We better get you back inside before they start looking for you." She tells me in that tone of hers where I know she won't even let me argue.

"Aww....can we stay for just a few more minutes?" I try anyways, looking at her with puppy dog eyes and small pout, her weakness.

She smiles, and I know I've won her over, "Fine..but only for 5 more minutes after that we'll head back, you're already shivering from the cold." She relented, wrapping her scarf around my neck.

"Okay 5 minutes." I agree, snuggling into her scarf a bit more.

"5 more minutes..." I mutter watching as the snow falls heavily. I shut my eyes and for a moment that memory replays in my mind, "Just 5..." I whisper, her smile appearing in my mind so blindingly bright like the first time I saw it and when I open my eyes again, I'm back to my reality. A reality where she isn't here anymore.

"Jen!" I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a familiar voice.

"Hey." I forced a smile on my face.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine." I answered, an automatic I've been saying since then.

"You say that each time. Even when I know you're not."

"You think too much Chu." I chuckled, trying to ease the atmosphere. She shakes her head at this, "I'm your best friend, I worry about you. Especially because I know that you're not fine, even if you say otherwise."


"Look...I won't push it....but it's time you let her go Jen." Jisoo took the seat in front of my desk.

"I've already let her go..."

"Then now it's time to move on."

I stayed mum, I know it's time for me to move's been 5 years.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Nini c'mon look at him he's so cute!"

"No babe. We already have Kai and Kuma at home."

"But Nini...look at him...don't you feel bad? And I'm sure the two kids would love another brother."


"Jennie." Chaeyoung looked at Jennie with those big brown eyes of hers and Jennie just couldn't say no.

"Alright alright."

"Yay! Love you babe." Chaeyoung kissed her girlfriend's cheek lovingly.

"Yeah yeah. But let's make sure he's comfortable with us before we adopt him okay?"

"Mhm okay!" Chaeyoung beamed.

~ ~

"You were zoning out on me again." Jisoo again pulled me out of my thoughts, I smiled mostly from the memory.

"Sorry Chu..."

"It's fine only because whatever you remembered made you smile again." She gave me that knowing look.

"Okay I promise you have my full attention, what's up?"

"Oh I just came here because it's time to head home and you're my ride."

"Ah...right right...your car is still in the shop?"

"Yeah, so can we go now? I had a long shoot today."


After I dropped Jisoo off, I went to visit my home. It was still snowing.

"Hey babe." I sat on the cold ground, placing the Irises next to me. "I brought your favorite flowers." I trailed off, shivering a bit. My eyes landed on the flowers, "Hope huh." I whispered to myself. I ran out of hope when she left me.

"It's been hard..without you here. I want to say I'm doing well...that I'm fine...but I'd be lying to you and I hate lying to you. Cha.." My voice died in my's still hard to say her name.

"I've been really lonely without you." I hugged my knees to my chest.

It's really cold, but I didn't want to leave. This is the closest I am to her.

"You'll catch a cold." I felt someone drape a jacket over my shoulder, I looked up and saw a blonde haired girl looking at me, "Who are you?" I asked. She was wearing a hat and had a scarf wrapped around her face. I know all of Chaeyoung's friends and her family but I don't remember her.

"I was visiting someone."

"But this place is private. She's the only one here."

"I got lost, I'm not from here."

"Who are you looking for exactly?" I eyed the flowers in her hand...irises..

"No one. Goodbye." The girl left.

"Who are you?" I got up wanting to run after the girl, but she was gone..the snow already covering her tracks.

Was there something Chaeyoung hid from me?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/n: Decided to post this here too.

Memories; A Chaennie AUWhere stories live. Discover now