Part 7

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"Jen! Jennie wait! Jen!" I heard Jisoo calling after me, but I kept running. I don't want to hear what Seulgi has to say. I don't want to know. Eventually, I realized that Jisoo is n longer chasing after me, but I didn't slow down. I kept running, like I have been the past 7 years. Slowing down, I finally began to take in my surroundings. I'm in the middle of Hongdae, there's a lot of college kids, buskers, tourists roaming about. They all look like they're happy. It must be nice,

"Jennie." I felt someone tap my shoulder from behind, when I turned around it was her I saw, but then I blinked and realized that those weren't the same brown eyes that used to stare at me so softly.

"Rosie.." I forced a smile, composing myself, "Uhm what are you doing here?"

"I grabbed some food nearby, why are you here alone? Where are the others?" She frowned, jutting her lower lip a bit, "Hey are you okay?" She asks after staying quiet. I didn't know how to answer that question without revealing something I hate talking about.

"I'm fine." I replied, about to walk away, but she stopped me.

"I don't think so."

"Roseanne." My voice was stern, using her full name for her to understand that I just want to be left alone.

"Look...I know we're not friends, we're practically strangers. And I'm not going to ask you to tell me what's bothering you now or why you ran out at dinner last night...but I am worried. So just let me accompany you. I can even stay a few steps behind if you don't want me next to you." She was persistent, "Please." Her tone was begging.

"I just want to be alone."

"Okay." She nods.

So I begin to walk away from her. I need to keep my distance from Rosie, being around her makes me feel like things will be okay. I don't want that. I want to keep holding to what I'm feeling now, because I'm scared that if I let go..if I move on..I'll forget about her.

~ ~

Back at the office, I noticed the others were very solemn, all gathered around Seulgi.

"Hey..." I called out to them.

"Jen.." they rushed over to me with worried eyes.

"Stop with the eyes, I'm fine."

"We put your things in your office." Nayeon spoke up.

"Thanks." I smiled, before turning away, feeling their eyes follow my every move. Knowing quite well that they'll give me some time to settle my thoughts before either Nayeon or all of them come barging in here.


"Jen." Seulgi, peeked her head inside.

"Seul," I tilted my head a bit to see if the others were hiding behind her, but they weren't, "What's up." I gestured for the seat in front of my desk.

"About earlier, I'm sorry. I should have been more considerate of your feelings, but I also think it's time's been so long, I know Cha..."

"Seulgi." I interrupted her.

"Okay I won't say anything else. But I did want to give you this." She hands me a brown manila folder.

"I don't know." Seulgi shrugs.

"What do you mean?"

"It's for you." She points to the label on the side, "See it's To: Jennie Kim ONLY."


"C'mon Jen...can't you recognize the handwriting?" Seulgi chuckles.

"But I've already gotten everything she wanted me to have."

Memories; A Chaennie AUWhere stories live. Discover now