Part 11

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-Beach Trip-

"Who was Chaeyoung's fiancé?" I ask, watching as Jisoo and Seulgi turned to each other, as if they're deciding if they should lie or tell the truth.

"Before that, I want to know something." Jisoo speaks up, breaking the staring contest she was having with Seulgi.


"If I tell have to promise me to never tell her who your donor is."

I frown...there's only one person on this planet that would bring out Jisoo's inner mama bear. "It's Jennie..isn't it?" I feel myself break a bit at the can I tell her how I feel now?

God is this even my own feelings or is it Chaeyoung's?

"You can't tell her."

"What?! Do you hear yourself?" Seulgi intervenes, "She deserves to know Chu." Seulgi was adamant.

"How do you think she'll react if she finds out that Rosie has her heart? Seul..she already lost this heart once."

"Jisoo, it'll be worse if Jennie finds out from someone other than Rosie."

"But Seul..."

"Stop." I finally spoke up and they both turned to me.

"Rosie." They both speak at the same time.

"Chu...I promise you until she asks...I won't tell her. But Seul is right, Jen deserves to know. She may have lost this heart's previous owner once, but I'll try my best to stay. She won't lose it..." I smile, placing a hand over my heart.

I don't think she'd let me be far from her anyways...

"Rosie.." Jisoo and Seulgi look at me, " chance..I mean we kinda noticed, but.." the two were talking over each other, stumbling over their words.

"I like her." I admit, "At least I think I do."

"You think?" Seulgi frowns.

"I mean now that I know and the things that I've been experiencing..I just..I'm not sure if it's really me..or if it's her. "

"It's you Roseanne. This.." Jisoo places a palm on my chest, "This is your heart's your emotions. Not hers, but yours. If you feel like this beats for her, then that's your feelings. Not Chaeyoung's."

"But with these weird new habits and memories..I just.."

"No Rosie, listen to me...Yes okay you all gave us this sense of familiarity but it's not because of her heart. I was trying to figure out why and it dawned on me and Chaeyoung, you both have the same vibe. You both make people around you feel comfortable. You both draw people in without knowing it. And that's what happened with us."

"But that.."

"Rosie, you unknowingly have helped all of us let her it's time for you to do the same, to let her go."

"I agree with Chu Rosie.." Seulgi places an arm around my shoulders, "Let Chae go. She's gone now and maybe once you do...then whatever these changes you think are happening to you might stop as well."

Jisoo and Seulgi both talk like Suzy...telling me that this is all just a coping mechanism I've created..but how can I so closely resemble her..we only encountered each other briefly..

"I didn't realize it when I first met her, but now that I look back...when I asked Chae if she knew me..I think she lied. I think she knew me somehow..." I admit to the two, who frowned.

"We've known Chae since primary that's not pos.."

"She had a secret." I revealed, interrupting Seulgi.

Memories; A Chaennie AUWhere stories live. Discover now