Part 37

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Dear readers, next week I won't publish a new chapter. I'm taking a week off, I'll be in my midterms exam at university and I need to study a lot. Just enjoy the chapter and we read us soon! take care! 

Once Sun was settled in his completely renovated office, he was able to sit at his desk again, it was comforting to be back, that company was his father's legacy and he wanted it to be for his children ... yes his children with Mork.

He immediately decided to call him, he knew he would be a little busy, but he wanted to hear his voice.

Meanwhile Mork was in the photo session, it was a hot day, the location was outdoors, it was an incredible for the photo session for one of the stars of the channel.

Mork kept the cell phone in his pants pocket, since he was in a relationship with Sun, he wanted to be very aware of him.

While Mint touched up the artist's makeup for the second session.

Mork decided to get away a bit, it was Sun who was calling him.


-Hi, how's your day going?, Sun asked

They were shy to say cute things to each other on the phone and have someone listen to them.

-We haven't finished yet, it's a pretty hot day. It's a nice place but the weather is killing me.

-Uhmmmm ...

-And how's your day?

-A lot of work, but I really like doing it, I'm happy to be back. I need you to come see my new office!

-Really, did you remodel it? Mork said surprised.

-It's a beautiful office now.

-And the desk also was taken away? Mork hated that desk. He knew that Sun had had sex with many women there ...

-I know why you asked, but everything is gone. It's a clean slate. You are the only one in my life, I don't need anyone else.

Mork was silent, he only smiled when he heard Sun sayig those words.

-Mork !!, we are all ready. His friend Mint told him.

-Thanks Mint. Give me a few more minutes, I'll be right away.

-At what time will you be back? Sun asked him.

-I still don't know, we still have a bit to go, maybe at sunset.

-Ok, Mork ...


- Mint, is she just your friend?

-Yes, damn Sun !!! why are you so jealous. She is just my friend.

-I am very jealous love, forgive me.

-I have to go. Let's talk later.

- I Love you!

-And I love you too

At that moment Melina entered the office

-Sun, there are several magazines that want to interview you. Do you want me to schedule them? I imagine they will want to ask about your personal life.

-Uhmmm, you can schedule them, I think I have nothing to hide. Let me know as soon as set the days in my agenda.

Melina was surprised to hear his response.

-Ok, I'm leaving . Do you want something else?

-That's all!...

When Melina was leaving the office.

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