Part 39

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When Mork entered the bathroom, he found the place lit by some scented candles and the tub prepared for him, an additional robe next to Sun's.

Mork couldn't help but smile ...

-What does these all mean?? Sun, do you really think you will convince me with these?

Nice try Sun. This is better than a Spa.

Mork immediately stripped off his clothes and plunged into the warm water. He settled in and closed his eyes and let the warm water and salts relaxed all the muscles in his body. He was so tired and this moment was necessary.

Minutes later Sun went back into the bathroom. Where he found Mork resting peacefully, he slowly approached the tub and watched him intently. He was still haunted by his beauty . He didn't know how or when but that guy had a lot of power over him ...

He just watched him silently. Mork moved only from time to time to accommodate his head ...

Sun decided to dip his hand in the warm water and play with it a bit and then lightly brush against Mork's skin.

Who slowly opened his eyes ...

-Enjoying my private spa?

-Too much, this feels great. I really needed it !!!

Mork looked Sun in the eye.

-Did something happened?

Sun immediately got up. He took off his robe and got into the shower.

-Sun !!!! Come back here!! why don't you get in the tub with me?

- Not!!! It's fine. I don't want to end up doing something you don't want to do .....

Mork immediately got out of the tub and went to the shower where Sun was.

Mork got into the shower and hugged him.

-What's wrong my love? What did I do to you? Are you upset about something ???

- I'll wait for you outside ...

Minutes later....

Sun looked at himself in the mirror as he fixed his hair. He was wearing a white boxer shorts and a T-shirt.

-Do you have any clean clothes I can use? Mork asked him

-In that closet, take what you want and in that drawer there are new underwear. Mork approached the drawer all the underwear was his size

He immediately smiled, Sun did not stop surprising him.

-Come here!!! Sit down let me dry your hair

-What's going on? Uhmmmm tell me, Sun !!!

Mork hugged and held onto Sun's waist as he dried his hair with a towel.

-Mork !!! What are you doing baby!!!

Mork tickled his abdomen ...

-Stop it !!! You will turn me on, if you keep doing that !!

-Tell me then !!! Mork left kisses on his abdomen

-Mork !!!! Stop!!!


-I'll tell you!!! I have to go on a trip for a few days, I don't want to, I don't want to leave you alone !!

-Wait !!, I can take care of myself! I have Mond. Nothing will happen, go easy.

-There's something else, your ex Sussy.

-What's with her? What's going on?

-She came back to your house, Mond stopped her as you ordered.

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