Part 21

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So handsome my baby Gawin!! I hope you like this chapter

After she got home Mork's sister took a shower, her mom put some medicine in her eye and let her rest for a while. Mork decided to talk to his sister later. They have always been very close, they tell all their secrets... Mork has always been her father figure since their father abandoned them when they were little. But he never stopped being her brother.

-Little sister, can I come in?

-Yes, P'Mork !!!

-How do you feel?? Mork felt so helpless not being able to be there for his sister, he would kill that wretch with his fists, it hurt him to see her like this ...

With his hand he caressed his sister's face and then he took her hand and squeezed it to let her know that he was there for her, not to recriminate or judge her for what has happened.

-Can you tell me what you want, we'll fix it together, okey?

-P'Mork, it hurts a lot, not so much the bruise in my face but my heart.

The girl began to cry uncontrollably. Mork just went to hug her and comfort her.

-Shhhh !!! Here I am baby girl, to take care of you, nothing bad will happen to you, ok? Just tell me when you're ready to do it ok?

Mork settled her on the bed and she waited until she fell asleep.Then he left the room.

As he left the room, he found his mother shedding tears ...

-Ma, don't cry please. I'll find that motherfucker who hit my sister, okay?

-Mork, I don't want to see you suffer for love. Not your sister or you.

I want you to be strong and never let your hearts to be break for anyone. And don't confuse love with obsession.

-I know mom. why don't you go to bed you need to rest, tomorrow will be a better day. Okay? I accompany you to the room.

-No love, it is not necessary. You better go to rest too, you must be very tired. Mork's mom kissed him on the forehead and she went to her room leaving Mork, just thinking about the whole situation with her sister and what her mom meant by what she said. And especially thinking about Sun.

Mork, walked into his room, he took off his shirt and leaned back on his bed. He was tired ... so tired that I forgot to call Sun. Suddenly he felt his cell phone vibrate.

-Mork, love, are you okay?

-Hi .... I'm fine. Sorry I forgot to call you. I had a problem at home, I'm exhausted I just want to sleep ...

-Won't you tell me what happened? Maybe I can help you.

-Uhmmm I don't know Sun.

-Don't you trust in me? We cannot have secrets we are a couple

-It's my sister, Sun. She's in college, I don't know what kind of friends he's dating. My mother was very worried, she called me because she had no news from her, it was when I ran out of your house

And when she gott home she was drunk and with a bruise on her face ... you don't know how helpless I felt Sun. I am very angry, I want to break that bastard's face for touching my little sister ...

Sun could feel through the phone how Mork felt. He could felt his frustration and helplessness.

-Mork, calm down, please . Can we do something, do you want me to help you and we investigate who could have hurt your sister?

-It's not necessary Sun, I will do it myself.


-I can do it alone.

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