Part 46

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Dear readers! Final chapter of this fanfic, which became one of my favorites, I can tell by the number of chapters I wrote (I think it's my longest ff). I accepted it , I was obsessed with this couple, but for me this is the end, It's my way of saying goodbye forever, it's my closing for this ship.

I will always love Podd and Gawin, in everything they do, I hope that you will also follow and support them in all their projects.

Thank you for your constant support throughout this time, I look forward to your comments about the ending and the story.

Months later....

-SUN, hurry up !! Sun's nanny was screaming

-I'll be there in 2 minutes !! Sun answered from the second floor. He had an important business meeting. The handsome young businessman was impeccably dressed.

When he was in front of his nanny, the woman caressed Sun's face.

-Do you miss him? she asked him.

Sun just lowered his stare .

-Don't think about it anymore, you will ruin your day !! You better let me fix your tie !!

When his nanny finished fixing his shirt collar and tie, the woman left a tender kiss on Sun's cheek and he immediately left.

-I'll be late!!! I love you nanny!

-I love you, son !! Have a great day!!!


Sun got into his vehicle and the driver immediately went to the office.

Sun settled into the back seat of the vehicle and let the sunlight come through his window and comfort him, fill him with energy, the absence was painful, but he had to move on...

Minutes later, his moment of silence was interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone.

Sun immediately answered.


-Good morning sister!! It was Mork's sister

-Sun, honey! Are you OK?

-Uhmmm, I think so! The man said not sure about it . And how's mom?

-She's fine, the one who continues suffering is you !!!

-I can't help it, I can't live without your brother.

-Sun, please !!! Mork has not died, he is only studying abroad !!!

-It's difficult to live without him !!! I miss him, I want him here, next to me all the time.

-It was his dream, to continue studying to be the best photographer. Also, you talk to each other every day! the woman said

-It's not true, he doesn't answer me when I called him, I even think he changed me for another man!

-Stop talking nonsense! Ok, focus on your company and you will see how time passes quickly and when you least expect it you will be together again.

-Okay, I will try to do it ! Tomorrow do not commit, I will take you and mom to dinner in a nice place !!!

-YES !, you are the best Sun !, tell me can I take Mond ??

-NO! It's a family dinner. Just mom, you and me !!! Besides, I don't like him.

-Oii, he's my boyfriend, careful what you say!


-Okey, we'll talk later, I'll send you a kiss !! Take care!

-Take care of yourself too!!!

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