The Dessert Table

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I decided that I should go find Anakin. As much as I wanted to unleash his furious jealousy on stupid Palo, I didn't want to have to explain to Principal Yoda why someone had been decapitated at my party.

I pushed past college students and called for Anakin. I should have known he would be in the place where he could get the most attention...

The dance floor.

I watched in shock as the Chosen One busted his moves in front of a crowd of kids. They cheered of course, then again, who wouldn't cheer for someone when they were Force jumping into cartwheels? I rolled my eyes and stepped out onto the dance floor.

Anakin smiled, "Oh hey Grease. I'm glsd you're here. I need a dance partner!" he said. I crossed my arms, "Anakin I'm not here to-" Just then, he grabbed my arm and spun me. Let me tell you, I was very uncomfortable. Anakin's audience laughed amd clapped. "Anakin, this isn't funny!" I objected but he began leading me into a tango! A tango! "Don't worry, this is only temporary. As soon as Padme joins in, you'll be free to go do whatever it is you want to do," he assured me as he dipped me.

I pulled away, my face as red as a Sith's lightsaber. "You can't dance with her!" I screeched. Anakin froze. He blinked twice. Then he stood up and towered over me, "What do you mean?" he asked almost threateningly. I gulped and looked up at him. Then I lied to him.

"She... couldn't make it..."

There was a moment's pause and then Anakin went back to normal. He simply shrugged his shoulders and turned to the crowd, "Well guys, I guess I'm outa here. THANK YOU CORUSCANT!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!" he shouted like he was some hotshot Rockstar Jedi.

        I followed Anakin off the floor. "We're not leaving are we?" I asked. Anakin shook his head, "Of course not Grease! We can't leave without cake!" he informed me, heading straight for the dessert table.

         There it was. The dessert table, or as some would call it, heaven on Coruscant.

         A six foot long table of everything from Beebleberry sherbet and Neuvian sundaes to rainbow berry pie and honey melon cookies. In the center of the glorious buffet of goodies lay a double-layered, Quark frosting topped, Trammistan chocolate cake. Now I've always been a pretty small boy and sometimes sugar makes me go a little "bonkers". Don't get me wrong, I handle myself pretty well, but if I'm presented with an unlimited plethora of heavenly sweets that not only contains Sticky Sweetmallow Squares, but also my favorite flavor of cake, well let's just say my parents have compared me to a reek in a china shop.

        "Holy Bantha that's a lot a sugar..." I said with wide eyes. Anakin cracked his knuckles as if readying himself for a sugar rush, "Padme may not be here, but I'm sure I'll find comfort in this generous selection of delicious desserts..."

         I licked my lips as I tried to decide what to try first. Denta bean ice cream cup, or Souffle a la Lothal? Decisions decisions...

         However, there is an age old saying:

         "There is such thing as too much of a good thing,"

         And that's not a lie

         Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I've been super busy! Hope you enjoy it though! :)

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