Genius School

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So that Friday afternoon, I made a stop by the University of the Republic. On my way in, I spotted the street vender who had sold me the metal pen that had caused the "metal pen incident". His scruffy beard had not changed and neither had the junk he was selling.

"Hey kid, I remember you!" he boomed, slapping me on the back the way my father did. It hurt just like how it did when my father did it. "I remember you too," I grumbled. He laughed, "Need any more pens?" he asked with a yellow smile. I politely continued my journey to the University. "No thanks. I've had enough fun with the first one..."I muttered low enough that he probably hadn't heard me.

When I got to my destination, class had just let out. The college students poured from the classroom casually. They clustered amongst themselves as I walked past. They recognized me ever so slightly. Where had they seen me? Was I there neighbor? Did they know my family? Was I on the holonet for an intergalactic bank heist?

I smiled and waved as they did double takes, swearing that they had seen me somewhere. I guess when you attend class for only five minutes, you don't exactly stick in people's memories.

The professor only made things worse. "Well if it isn't the little Jedi Knight," he mused. I turned around and smiled politely, "Just thought I would pay a visit to the place that gave me my big break," I said although that was not at all how I felt about the place. The professor grinned falsely and continued his way out the door. As I watched him leave, someone bumped into me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed. I turned around, "Padme?" I asked. Padme nodded, "Um, yeah. You're that kid who left to go to Jedi school. Kevin right?" I nodded back, "That's me. I just wanted to stop over and-" Padme brightened quickly, "So what's it like being a Jedi?" I shurgged in return. I had wanted to answer, 'It's extremely hard and on the first day I cut off a man's beard, used a can of grease as hair styler, and got a hole through my leg' but I didn't say that. "Good I guess."

Padme began walking away, "I'm glad to hear that. It was nice seeing you again." I panicked and started after her, "Wait! You uh, wouldn't happen to remember an Anakin Skywalker would you?" I asked. Padme thought for a minute, "Hmm, I know an Ani Skywalker, he's a Jedi in training too." I smothered a chuckle, "Ani?" I repeated. Padme nodded, "Yeah, he was such a cute little boy. Have you met him?" I nodded quickly, "Yes. Yes I have. In fact, he was wondering if you would like to-" I began. Unfortunately, Padme had begun thinking of something else as another girl came up behind her. "Hey Padme! Who's that kid?" the blond girl asked. Padme turned to her, "This is Kevin. He was that FSI kid," she reminded.

The girl smiled, "Oh cool. You're the first Jedi I've ever met. It's too bad we didn't get to know you better."

I shrugged, "Yeah, too bad. But Padme, what I was saying was-"

Padme interrupted again, "Hey! Do you know what we should do? We should throw him a Going-Away Party!" The blond girl smiled, "That's a great idea! What do you think?" she asked, turning to me. I frowned, "I left a whole month ago."

Padme didn't care, "That's okay. And you can bring some of your Jedi friends too!"

I suddenly brightened, "Really? Okay, sounds cool."

I knew just who to invite...

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