Smart Glasses

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     It was the day of my "Going Away Even Though I'm Already Gone" party. Anakin and I got ready in his quarters.

     "What's taking so long?" I asked impatiently. Anakin had spent the past hour locked in his bathroom and the party would be starting in twenty minutes.

      "Hey, you can't rush perfection!" he shot back. "I'm not, I'm rushing you..." I muttered under my breath. Finally, the door swung open, threatening the hinges' strength. There he was; Anakin Skywalker. Neatly layered Jedi robes, lightsaber hilt swinging on his belt and extra spiky hair. He could have been a holofilm star and let me tell you, I was jealous.

       "Now be honest, how awesome do I look?" he asked vainly admiring himself in the mirror. I sighed and looked down at my own robes which were stained with apple slug stew and faded spots of pilot grease from my first day. Apparently, Younglings didn't receive a new pair of robes until the second semester. By then, I would probably be permanently infused into my clothing!

      "You look better than me," I replied. Anakin smirked, "Wait, I forgot to add my final touch!" he suddenly exclaimed. He reached into his cloak and pulled out something without letting me see. Then, he placed them on his face with meticulous care.

       "Glasses?" I asked in utter confusion.

       "Smart glasses!" he corrected as he adjusted his frames, "If Padme is part of some geniusy prep school, she's probably into geniusy prep guys. I've got to look the part!" he explained. I cocked an eyebrow, "Why didn't I think of that?" I asked myself sarcastically. Anakin shrugged, "Beats me."

      I rolled my eyes and remembered the time, "Well, we ought to get going. Unless of course, you need to put on a pair of suspenders or a pocket protector..." I joked. Anakin gave a false laugh,

     "Watch it Grease."

      We got their two minutes late. I guess I should have accounted for Anakin's beauty preparations in the first place. I honestly didn't recognize anyone except for Padme, but who was I to turn down a party where I was the guest of honor?

       When we first walked in, Anakin got that dreamy look in his eyes. "Where is she? Does my hair look okay? Where the glasses too much?" he asked desperately. I chuckled, "No of course not. If pathetic lover boy was the look you were going for, then I'd say you look spot on!" Anakin punched my shoulder.

       It felt like my dad's back slaps.

       Padme's blond friend was the first to welcome us. "Hey Kevin! Welcome to the party!" She looked over at Anakin, "Who's your friend?" Anakin straightened his smart glasses and grinned, "Anakin Skywalker, Chosen One. I'm an old friend of Padme's," he answered boldly, "And where might she be by the way?" he inquired.

       The blondy only shrugged and turned back to me. "Come on, Guest of Honor, we need to announce your arrival!" she said, tugging my arm toward a stage.

        She lead me up the steps and to a mic. All the guests turned their attention to me as I looked for Anakin. Blondy tapped the mike and a loud shriek of static made the audience as well as myself, cringe. "I'd like to welcome our guest of honor, Kevin Groundcrawler! He was only here for a short time with us but let's all wish him the best of luck at Jedi School!" The crowd cheered for me and Blondy pulled me up to the mic, adjusting it for my height. "So Kevin, tell us a little bit about Jedi School..."

      I cleared my throat a dozen times before beginning, "Well, we do Jedi stuff... and some other... things..." I stuttered. The crowded "oooed" and "awwed" even though my speech was about as interesting as Meditation Period. A kid shouted from the back, "Show us how to use the Force!"

       The rest of the college students cheered in agreement. I panicked. I still couldn't use the Force!

       That's when I remembered that darned metal pen in my pocket.

       "Well, okay... does anyone have a coin? Preferably a magnetic one?" I asked. A girl raised her hand, "I do!" she screamed, waving her money in the air. I smiled, "Perfect!" I exclaimed, casually reaching in my pocket for my pen. With my writing utensil hidden by my long sleeves, I extended my arm and closed my eyes. To add a mysterious flare to my performance, I muttered something in Huttese and waved my wrist in a circle. It didn't take long for the magnetism to pull to coin through the air and into my palm.

      The crowd cheered wildly as I breathed a sigh of release. I was really starting to appreciate that dumb metal pen.

      Blondy squealed with delight, "That was wizard!" she cried.

       I bowed dramatically and hurried off the stage, not bothering to return that girl's coin (not that I could have detached it from its magnetic grip to my pen anyways.) Before I could look for Anakin, a hand tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey there Kevin!" Padme greeted with a bubbly smile. I waved to her, "Hi Padme."

        She smiled brightly, "That was amazing what you did with that coin!" she gushed. I nodded sheepishly, "Thanks. By the way, have you seen Anakin? He was just-" I began, trying to direct her attention to the reason I had agreed to come in the first place. Before I could finish, a young man popped up behind Padme. His curly brown hair bounced on his head as he studied me quizzingly with his brown eyes. "Who's this, Padme?" he asked.

       Padme turned to him and grinned, "This is Kevin, the Jedi," she explained. She looked back at me, "Kevin, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Palo!"

        If you've ever felt really bad about something, not because it hurt you but because it would hurt one of your best friends, then you know what I felt right there.

        Because this guy was tall, dark, and handsome. He was the kind of guy that you couldn't compete with even if you wearing Anakin and you were wearing your smart glasses...

        Dun dun DUUUUNNNN! What will happen now that Kevin has met Padme's boyfriend, Palo? I know that in AOTC Palo only knew Padme when they were like twelve but I couldn't help but add him in. (I thought about using Clovis but ya know, I kinda hate his guts so that ain't gonna happen) Anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter! I may not be able to update next week but I will do my best. May the Force you all!

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