Ewok Underwear

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   I woke up in a cramped little room that was decorated with cartoon bantha wallpaper. A few posters with smiley faces said, "Feel better" and "Stay healthy"

    Anakin hovered over me as I layed in the nurse's station, "Morning Sleeping Ugly!" he greeted with a smile. I rolled my eyes and sat up, "Ow!" I cringed when I moved my wounded leg.

     The area below my knee was wrapped in medical tape. I gasped in horror, but not because of my injury; because of my pants.

    They weren't there.

     All I had on was my ewok underwear.

    "A nice choice in tidy whities my friend," Anakin teased. I pulled the blanket over my childish undies and blushed, "Where are my pants?" I asked in embarrassment. Anakin tossed me a dark pair of trousers, "Here, borrow a pair of mine. Yours have a hole in them." I pulled on the pants, "You keep extra pants with you?"

    Anakin shrugged, "I snuck back to my quarters during my free period. You slept through three classes." My eyes widened, "Is the day over?" I asked hopefully. Anakin chuckled, "You didn't get that lucky Grease. There's still one class left and it's a doozy."

    I groaned, "What is it?" The medical droid rolled in, "How are you feeling Youngling?" it asked. I nodded, "I'm fine." I turned back to Anakin.

   Anakin sighed, "The class is Universal Trivia." I tilted my head, "What's so bad about that?" Anakin snorted, "We compete in these little teams who have to go head to head answering questions about every little fact known to the galaxy."

    I smiled, "Doesn't sound so bad... Who's my partner?" Anakin tossed a thumb his way, "The guy who's failed that class four times!"

    My smile disappeared, "Well Brother Skywalker, it's your lucky day! You're partner skipped six grades of Republic Knowledge!"

    Anakin grinned, "Just what I wanted to hear. And hey, after school do you want to hang out? Maybe we could visit the Republic Outlet and buy you some decent underwear..."


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