2| Comfort

423 31 3

Wordcount; 1,200 words

Who was wrong? Nothing seemed to be fair at this point. Wooyoung had fallen into a deep and blue state of mind. His head was laying heavy on the desk and he wasn't thinking of moving it right now. Not even when San wrapped his arms around him, placing his head on Wooyoung's shoulder. With that, emotions came dripping out with invisible teardrops.

"What is wrong with me."

His words sounded more like a statement than a question. And San felt his heart clench tightly together like the younger's feelings went straight up into him. Their bound was braided that close.

He let out a soft sigh, "Nothing's wrong with you, Woo."

The younger one frowned, staring into the wall where multiple frames were nailed, pictures of his family, his friends, and San, together with nature decorations there were hanging. His eyes locked on a picture of their friend group. He couldn't tear them away from the person again.

"Why can't I just be like him? Perfect at everything..." the younger mumbled, his lips forming into a pout.

San ran his hand through Wooyoung's neck hair while he closed his eyes. Feelings were hitting deep now.

He breathed out, just loud enough to be heard, "You're perfect just as you are. Don't change for anyone's sake."

He turned the boy around in his arms, letting their eyes meet, "Wooyoung, just because you're not following the right recipe, it does not mean that you will never reach your desired result. I mean, school is not the only thing that exists in this whole world, thank Spirit. There are a million other things to take care of, live with, and you know that. Hongjoong has just not realized it yet. Not being good in school does not mean that you are bad at everything else."

"I think you're wonderful, Woo, and it's not just something I say because I love you. I really adore your unique mind and thoughts."

His eyes glimmered with light and glistening water, while he let the words sink in.

"You know, I hate it when you're this cheesy," Wooyoung broke out in a smile, while tears fled down over his cheeks.

He pushed to the elder so that he tore himself loose from him and angrily wiped his tears from his cheeks again. Two hands stopped him in the motion and took over, while another tear rolled. Wooyoung looked up from his sitting position at San, watching as the boy's head fell slightly to the side and his mouth formed kissy pouty lips.

"And I'm not at all sorry about it. Let me repeat it every single second in your life until you finally understand my wor-"

Wooyoung reached for the other boy and shut him up with a soft kiss.

"Shut up, I got it that you love me, and I appreciate it bu-"

He cut the younger off with a deep growling sound, pulling him closer to him again while staring deeply into the orchid-colored eyes. At no time the sweet caring San switched to the terrifying scary San, who dug holes into the younger's eyes, just with one single stare. Almost like a demon.

His lips menacing teased its way above Woyoung's own, "Don't play with the fire, when I tell you a thing this significant."

Suddenly Wooyoung found himself getting hovered over by the other, and considered tearing his eyes away from their deep stare, but San kept his face trapped between his fingers.

"I-I'm sorry San, I know you meant all of your words profoundly..." Wooyoung whispered, strangling the silence into a deep stabbing substance.

San sighed and brushed his lips against the other's, "Good."

They parted once again and San cradled Wooyoung into his arms, hugging him softly while running his hand through his neck hair in a comforting manner.

"Sannie, I love you. Will you stay here tonight?"

The asked chuckled lightly and kissed the youngers front head lovely, "I love you too, Wooyoung. I'll ask my parents, who knows if they're setting up plans."

It ended up with San staying at Wooyoung's for the night. While the darkness was setting outside, they used the time on messing with small spells from one of Wooyoung's many spellbooks. They went from turning San's eyes flashing with colors, to grow a beard just for the fun of it. As energetic the younger always seemed to be, had he a fixed routine by ending his day with a short-lasting meditation that San voluntarily followed. Perhaps with a bit of sneak peeking over at the gorgeous, now calm, boy.


He played with the fire in his palms, while Wooyoung was laying on top of him, lulling himself to sleep by listening to San's heartbeat. The room scented in different kinds of herbals, with a slight blow of smoke and lavender. Just like Wooyoung. The fluctuating light from the single flame, casted shadows in the room. San lazily observed the surroundings, letting his eyes take in all the well-known articles of Wooyoung's things. Not much changed very often, his desk was still filled with recipe books, spellbooks, utensils, and all sorts of ingredients for spells; stacked in clear glass, paper bags, or hung to dry. San knew that the younger used a lot of his spare time to fill up his stocking. San found it very cute that Wooyoung went so much into it by the way he nerded the forms and spells to the letter.

A sudden sound made the boy jump from his train of thought, and San looked in the direction of the window, where two shiny eyes and a small nose could be seen in the darkness. He frowned slightly and gently laid Wooyoung down next to him, then got up from Wooyoung's single bed. He got closer to the window and opened it to get greeted by a little four-legged creature, who had been wandering around in the darkness until now. San closed the window again and let his eyes follow the cat who was walking safe and tidy to the bed like if she owned the whole world while she meowed very complacent with herself.

"I swear Byeol, what are you doing here?"

The cat jumped up at the bed and shook her wet coat before she went in circles and lay down beside Wooyoung, yawning and showing off all her canines. Then she stared up at San with her big purple-ish eyes, giving her most innocent look. And San fell for her trick, because he went completely soft, and got compassion with the poor kitten who just had taken his spot on the bed. He only noticed the ladder, when he was about to lay down again.

She meowed up at him when he pouted at her while crossing his arms.

"Where am I supposed to sleep now?" San whispered to the cat, silently pleading that Byeol would move.

What had he even expected? The cat yawned yet another time up at him and closed her eyes. Of course, she wouldn't listen to him, cats were free spirits after all.

San sighed defeated and lay down at the very small spot Byeol had left to him.

"Well then, it's not my fault if you get squeezed during the night."

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