29| Wishing on a star

99 12 3

Wordcount; 1,000 words

The following evening bid them on long discussions about what had happened earlier. Though both San and Jongho had been sceptic about telling the three other Phoenixes about this, Wooyoung however, could not stop rambling about that specific event and what else he knew about dark magic. He hadn't though brought his forbidden spellbook on the table, but San knew from the biting of his lips that he heavily considered it. Thank Spirit that he did not for San definitely did not trust the book in Seonghwa's hands.

A few hours later, the three Phoenixes headed home after kindly declining San's mother's offer to stay for dinner. Mingi and Jongho followed suit, leaving San and Wooyoung with a last worried gaze from Jongho before they stepped out into the streets.

San's hand found Wooyoung's nape and gently gave it a squeeze before they joined San's parents for dinner.

Afterward, they returned to San's room, silently sliding into his bed as they settled into each other's arms like they always did. Finding home. San sighed deeply when the younger's head finally tucked into his chest, his hands on his back slowly starting to trail different patterns down his shirt. There was a feeling of pique caged inside of him - but he chose to ignore it for now, sensing that Wooyoung was currently in a whole different mindset after the discoveries of the three other phoenixes' use of dark magic.

The light from the open night sky fell into the large window of his room, making enough light for San to gaze into Wooyoung's orchid eyes when he pulled slightly back to look up at him.

"Sannie," he started, eyes blinking adorably, "If there was one thing in the entire world that you could wish for what would that be?"

At the sudden question, San couldn't help but crack a smile from the startle he felt, "What do you mean?" he chuckled with a sense of confidence, "I have everything that I could ever dream about right here."

The boy poked Wooyoung's side, making the other whine and tell him to stop.

"No! Is there not something that you feel could fullen your life but seem a little too unrealistic to be wishing for?"

As the words gradually sunk in, San's smile faltered and was replaced with a comprehending frown toward Wooyoung. His hands held closer around the younger's body.

"I don't think so," he ended up saying, pursing his lips thoughtfully, "Why are you all this suddenly asking this? Is something going on inside that pretty head of yours, hm? Plotting something mischievous again?"

Wooyoung landed his hand against San's face and pushed it away from him as San laughed at him, "What do you mean with 'again'?" he exclaimed, wiggling himself out of San's arms and sitting up, "I am never doing such things!"

San lifted a brow with an unbelieving hum, "Hmmm.. your eyes tell otherwise.."

The younger phoenix huffed when San rolled around and got up to sit as well. His hand ruffled through his hair.

"Hmpf, fine, but I can't tell you anything about it yet.."

Jutting out his lower lip, San pouted at his boyfriend, slowly leaning forward as his hands grabbed around Wooyoung's knees, "That's not fair. How can you ask me questions and then afterward claim that you cannot tell me anything about it?"

Wooyoung folded his arms, "And what if it's a surprise?"

"Then give me a hint?" San pleaded, coming even closer.

The other shook his head with a giggle, "That'll just make it too easy for you to guess."

Defeated, San sighed loudly before throwing his head against Wooyoung's chest, making them both tumble into the bed in a fit of laughter and joy. And San felt so warm with pure happiness when they finally lay still and were looking into each other's eyes. Stars were twinkling between the depths of orchid colour with such tenderness that he felt a longing to try to dive deeper into those wonders. Maybe even a wish to be able to be even closer to Wooyoung than what his physical body would allow him to.

San's fingers reached out and gently brushed across the mole on his lip before cradling his face and leaning in to give Wooyoung a loving kiss. The younger phoenix's eyes fluttered close as he sighed with peace at San's affectionate kiss. San kissed his forehead a few times when they pulled apart again.

"You know, I don't think you should be that worried about the trio," Wooyoung muttered while San tugged him closer under the bedsheets. He couldn't see how the younger was biting his lip.

"I'm just trying to protect you," he answered full of honesty, suddenly drawing in an urged shaky breath of air, "I'm... I'm worried about what is happening.."

"I know.. but, for now, they haven't been doing anything specifically wrong while being with us. I mean, except for the accident with Jongho, but I suppose that Yeosang can't control what he sees and what he doesn't see. Do you really think he forced the accident to happen?"

For a moment, San pondered his question, turning it around in his head as he desperately wanted it to fall at one specific conclusion: that the trio meant harm to them. Yet it fell on another. He couldn't simply say that the three phoenixes were being a threat to them, but that did not mean he felt he should be more welcoming of them.

"I don't know.. maybe you're right, I guess... It would take a lot of power to change fate into one's own will. So no, Yeosang probably didn't do that on purpose."

Wooyoung cooed at him, making San do a slight smile, "See? Maybe you will learn to accept them sooner than I even had expected!"

San wasn't so sure about that but he did not want to ruin Wooyoung's current merriness and just played along. Then they would see if it really was true that the trio was fated to become part of their friend group.

Heads up! Hongjoong will be here in the next chapter - I haven't forgotten about him TT

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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