4| Thoughtful

370 27 6

Wordcount; 1,650 words

Even though the weather was dark, windy, and cool, Wooyoung dragged them both outdoors to sit at lunch break. It wasn't of his odd nature or anything to do so, but San was still a little suspicious of the act, and because of that, he kept an extra close eye directed at the younger boy. At least it was not raining. Yet.

"Come on San! Grab your pretty butt and move over here! I promise that your vegetables won't bite you!"

Here it comes.

San pouted and trotted the last steps over to the spot beneath the old zelkova tree they tended to sit by. Then he crashed down beside the other boy, hiding his head in his shoulder.

"You know I don't like them, as well as they don't like me.." he mumbled against the fabric of Wooyoung's black coat.

Wooyoung opened the box and popped a tomato in his mouth.

"But you need them. They have great nutrients your body needs, and you know, they taste better than they look," Wooyoung continued as he moved on to a carrot stick.

San scrunched his nose and made a disgusted face, "I'll rather drink that sickening health-stabilizing mixture than eat that."

He pointed exaggeratedly in the direction of the box with Wooyoung's vegetables.

"Look how they're glaring at me, Woo!"

His boyfriend let out a snort and grabbed another carrot stick, waved it toward the other with a grin. San let out a yelp, and just in time made a move away from the very much glaring carrot before Wooyoung still came crashing against him and tumbled them to the ground. San landed first, immediately grabbing Wooyoung's arms, and rolled them both around across the damp grass. A gasp escaped in fright out of Wooyoung, and he tore himself around, staring with his orchid colored eyes straight up into San's dark brown as the elder now sat cross-legged above him, both his arms trapped. San's lips were millimeters away from Wooyoung's, so dense that he could feel the gasping breath tickling across his skin.

"Just do it."

San whined, "But you taste like vegetables now!"

Wooyoung smirked and tore his arms out of San's grip and sneaked his hands up around the other's neck, "But you love those lips more than you will admit, with or without the taste of carrots and other healthy stuff."

"I dare you."

Glaring down at him, San let out a growl and ushered his front head flush against Wooyoung's before lightly pecking the younger's lips. What he didn't know was that Wooyoung wasn't just going for this.

By bringing a knee up and teasingly grinding it up against the other's crotch, he used the surprising moment to turn them over yet another time, being on top again. Wooyoung pressed his mouth down on San's as he sneakily sneaked his tongue into the kiss. Although the wet grass beneath him for sure was ruining his clothes for the rest of the day, San let his eyes close as he lazily followed the movements and let Wooyoung lead his lips. He was right, the taste of carrots didn't scare him away from this, even though he liked Wooyoung's natural flavor more.

"You're such a tease Jung Wooyoung," San mumbled when his boyfriend rolled to the side after separating their sealed lips.

The other giggled in response, nuzzling his head into San's shoulder, "And how many times are you going to tell me that?"

A pair of footsteps stopped by their seated place and sat down themselves. The eyes never failed to catch sight of the couple.

"You know, I feel so single right now just by looking at you two."

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