7| Lazy mornings

261 19 3

Wordcount; 1,200 words

The young Phoenix was back home at Wooyoung's place before anyone would have the chance to force answers out of him again. Every time his thoughts landed on all the possibilities of outcomes, if his parents came to know anything about the dark spell secrets, he would be as good as smacked, doomed, and kicked out of their home. If they came to know anything about the love spell between him and Wooyoung they would kill him, he was sure. Worse, they would kill Wooyoung. San shut his eyes when the sudden realization hit him; what he actually was scared of was hurting Wooyoung. The younger boy was too precious to him, that any threat to him, was like doing something against San as well. San didn't know where all this possessiveness came from if it was a part of their unbrokenly love spell, or another thing. He just felt like it was needed, even if he quite didn't like it himself.

San crossed the road on the small alley, trailing down the pavement until he finally reached the small old-fashioned building where Wooyoung and his aunt lived. The walk hadn't taken more than a quarter. San pulled his jacket further into his frame and brushed a hand through his dark locks, trying to sort it out so that he would be looking nice before he politely knocked on the door. The boy took a step back, standing on the last step of the stairs to the entrance when the door opened and revealed an elder woman, yielding of a kindness San always had known.

He smiled at her, dimples poking in the side of his cheeks and eyes disappearing in two crescent moons when she pushed her glasses up in place.

"Sannie, oh dear please come in. I think Wooyoung still sleeps, but I suppose your appearance will make him a good surprise," the woman chuckled and took a step to the side in order to let the boy in.

San bowed his head and followed her into the house, "Thank you, Mrs. Jung, I hope so too."

After closing the door after him, San made sure to slip on a pair of slippers and leave his jacket in the entrance before stepping further into the dim lighted-up house. Candles were lit in every little corner and the smell of homemade bread filled the house and made his stomach rumble. Perhaps, he was hungry. Mrs. Jung had disappeared, knowing that San was like a second child for her by how much he stayed in the house. Surprisingly, she was quick to come back, now holding a tray with bread for breakfast in her hands. She proceeded over to San, and instead gave him the tray with the food with her kind smile.

"Here, son, go wake him up and eat your breakfast in his room," Mrs. Jung said, kissed his cheek, and softly stroked his head.

San nodded, blushing a little at the sweet gesture. The woman was simply too kind for anyone's good.

It had been Mrs. Jung herself, who had learned Wooyoung to call her by 'aunt'. He had grown up with that, even though the woman, in reality, was his creator; which also could be seen as his actual parent. But because of her age, she found herself too old to be called 'mother' and had therefore always told Wooyoung to call her 'aunt'. San didn't find it weird, more like respected her choice, but he also only did that because he knew that Wooyoung had been told that Mrs. Jung actually was his creator. Wooyoung was fully aware but also understanding of the situation and it didn't seem as he really had any problem with calling her aunt.

He went towards the left side of the house, where the younger's room was, a brown wooden door closed, but San just opened it without knocking beforehand. He really did his best to be as quiet as possible, but the elder door had decided against him and choose to squeak and being noisy when he turned it on its hinges. Precisely as Wooyoung's aunt had told him, Wooyoung was still sleeping. His hair was sprawled all over his soft pillow and his quilt was halfway kicked off his body, on its way down on the floor. San let his eyes hang for a short moment on the exposed skin of the younger's soft tummy before he closed the door behind him and set the fresh-baked bread on the messy desk. Then he went towards the bed and threw himself on top of the beautiful sleeping boy, bringing his limbs around him as a tight protecting shield. Immediately, Wooyoung let out a groan of the new weight added onto his body and tried to squeeze himself out of the grip. With a smile, San buried his head in the crook of the other's neck and slowly breathed in the familiar scent of smoke and lavender. He had missed this.

"San, you're crushing me," Wooyoung murmured, his voice thick with sleep and San loved it.

Even though he knew that Wooyoung wouldn't see it, San pouted a little, but he didn't leave any hints of moving from the spot he had conquered. Minutes passed where they didn't move any bit, just enjoying the reunion after being apart for a half day. All San's worries washed away in the warmth from the other and he nearly fell asleep himself, until a sneaky hand pinched his side and made him jump away in surprise. Wooyoung grinned triumphantly when San rolled around and landed on the floor together with the poor quilt that he, unfortunately, hadn't landed on. The older let out a whine and was on his way to get revenge when Wooyoung came with his sly lips and kissed him. San wanted to protest, but the hands fiddling around his chin together with the softness touching his lips, got him to retreat the thought again. Wooyoung always got what he wanted from San, just by giving him a single kiss.

They got caught up in the moment and the sneaky motion suddenly turned into a brief make-out session just until the sparks were about to ignite into fire flames and they parted. Wooyoung pushed San down onto the only chair in the room, and following sat down on his lap, facing the breakfast there was placed on the table just before. San brought his arms around the younger's waist and let himself lean back to rest his head on the chair's backrest while Wooyoung made sure to hand out some food to both of them. San let out a deep sigh, finally feeling his soul at peace in the middle of stressful events.

In the time they ate, they quietly had some small talks, but none of them really crossed any serious topics. The only thing was Wooyoung asking if he had found out anything about the issue with Byeol, but San had shaken his head, instead wondering if he should tell Wooyoung about the scene with his father the day before. He decided not to, in order not to worry his precious boyfriend too much.

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