25| A wonder

156 11 9

Wordcount; 1,200 words

Mingi was blushing a deep red colour when they all got up to take a closer look at the canvasses hanging on the wall. San heard Wooyoung snicker when they both got up and joined Seonghwa and Yunho. Yeosang was gently smiling from where he still was seated on the couch.

Mingi was hiding his face in Jongho's shoulder, too shy of all the sudden attention drawn to his most dignified skills.

And Seonghwa hadn't been wrong when he said that the paintings were beautiful.

"It's Mingi's masterpieces," Wooyoung said, shoving the brunette's shoulder lightly as he said so, a huge grin spreading on his face.

"Woah, you must have spent so many hours on those!" Yunho exclaimed, fascinated by the artworks as he took his time admiring them all.

Mingi let out a sound of embarrassment and was nearly knocking over Jongho from the armchair with how he kept on pushing at him. The younger sneered at him, now shoving back against him, "Hyung, get up! You're crushing me!"

Not a second later, the giant skittishly apologised as they all knew no one would stand any fair chance against Jongho's strength. San leaned against the backrest of the armchair when he heard Seonghwa chuckle lightly at Mingi's flustered self.

"No need to be embarrassed," the phoenix said with his smooth, velvety voice, "You're clearly talented and we just appreciate the pieces you have painted. Have you ever considered selling your artwork and having them exhibited?"

San nodded at that even if no one was particularly looking at or talking to him. But he agreed with Seonghwa.

"Well, it is my dream to live off my art, so yeah, I have thought about that a few times ... but it's a silly dream that probably won't come true anyway. There's a lot of good artists out there.." Mingi trailed off, his fingers fiddling with the end of his cardigan's sleeve.

Wooyoung suddenly turned around, orchid-coloured eyes acutely staring at Mingi, "And you're one of them! Please Mingi, why won't you ever listen to what we tell you? You are seriously talented and I bet that people would be flocking around to buy your artwork! Even San's parents approve of you! And that's.."

San's eyes moved to where Wooyoung's eyes were drifting away to, finding Seonghwa crouching forward to one of the canvasses, hands gripping the edges of the art as he stood as still as if he was paralyzed. San could practically feel how the air vibrated.


"When did you paint this?" Seonghwa interrupted, pulling himself away from the art-frame as he stared right away at Mingi, blue orbs quivering with shock.

The sudden firm tone of his voice startled Mingi greatly, his eyes fleeting Seonghwa the moment he met his stare. San could see how the tall boy worked up an answer but kept on failing to put them into his mouth.

Then San understood what Seonghwa was talking about.

"Mingi, why is Yunho's name written on this artwork?" Seonghwa continued pressing.

Mingi took a step back, "I-I-"

"Hyung, calm down, you're scaring him."

San could feel the heat from the letters across his cheek and not a beat later he has his arms protectively wrapped around Wooyoung's form as he eyed the other Phoenixes' own tense reactions in the room.

"You can have a look for yourself, I just want an answer," the oldest Phoenix said, pointing at the spot where Yunho's name was neatly written on the canvas.

Wooyoung reached out to Mingi as their new..friends.. inspected the new discovery.

Both Jongho and Yeosang seemed to be equally as confused about the situation and what was happening.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to but it kind of just happened one day after I dreamed of Yunho," Mingi gasped and Wooyoung was quick to soothe his pulsing nerves.

San's eyes scanned the room, seeing how golden letters glowed on them all. Yunho turned around on his heels, a surprisingly huge smile on his lips as he faced Mingi with his own answer to finding his name in such a peculiar place.

"This is so cool! So you even painted me in there, Mingi-ya?" the blonde boy strode across the floor and took a hold of Mingi's hands, causing the latter to blush a profusely red as he glanced up at Yunho from where his eyes hid underneath his bangs. "Yeah," he answered shyly.

"Wait," the youngest then exclaimed, standing up from his seat, "I don't understand, so you painted him before we met them because you had a dream of him? Does this then mean.. you manifested him?"

At the words, Seonghwa's eyes widened.

"I don't know! My mother told me the same, but honestly, I have no idea. This is nothing I at least have any control over.."

Seonghwa hummed as he cautiously found his way back to the couch where Yeosang still was seated. His hand gently laid on top of the other's thigh as he spoke, "Your magic must be strong since you were able to tell who Yunho was before even meeting him".

The compliment flustered Mingi and San sent him a grin when their eyes crossed.

"Well, I guess we've all just been on edge lately, first Hongjoong, then Jongho's accident, and now..you? It's like our table is flipped over and nothing can be predicted," Wooyoung said thoughtfully, being drawn to the shelves with gemstones. San let go of him as his attention struck the energies pulling at the smaller male's hands. Something uneven hovered around him.

"Except for Mingi's manifestation," Yunho giggled and flopped down beside Seonghwa on the furniture, "By the way, who's this Hongjoong? Is he your age?"

The question had finally San move away from Wooyoung again, finding Yunho looking at them all.

"He's our friend, a year older than Wooyoung, Mingi, and I, also a Phoenix," he was being definite.

"You've known each other for quite a long time, no?" Yunho continued curiously.

San nodded at him and ruffled a hand through his dark hair. Somehow, the questions made him feel stressed by perhaps and most likely the circumstances with him, Wooyoung, and Hongjoong at this time. "Yes, energies pulled us together since we were kids. What about you three, are you also long-term friends?"

"No, only Seonghwa hyung and I have basically grown up together. Only since 2 years ago, Yunho joined us, too," Yeosang quickly answered, folding his hands around his white cane. Seonghwa sent him a gentle smile, stroking his leg encouragingly.

Being honest, San would have guessed that too, Yeosang and Seonghwa seemed to be as close as if they had known each other forever with how they glued together. And yet, it didn't seem that there was anything else between them than those small friendly touches; ways that Seonghwa guided Yeosang's blind eyes through the surroundings. Yunho was more of a free bird, as he seemed to be less latched on them. Although, that didn't mean that San could not see how much he still cared about them both even if Yunho had known them for a shorter amount of time.

As he rested his chin on Wooyoung's shoulder, he wondered whether the three could be trusted or not. Even if they were Phoenixes like them, that didn't necessarily mean that they could be trusted with anything.

And that was, in fact, one of the reasons why he wasn't fond of drawing Hongjoong into their conversations..

What would happen if it suddenly was revealed that they had practiced dark magic?

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