24| Cellar-secrets

145 11 3

Wordcount; 2,100 words

Steadily, he pressed the handle down and swung the door open to let them in. Today, they were more than what they normally were at their hangouts in the Chamber of sacramental, and San was sure that his parents would rather quickly notice the three foreign boys - and boy was he right, when his mother suddenly stood in the door, studying the Phoenixes she didn't know who was. San turned around at his feet and looked at his friends; he watched Seonghwa helping Yeosang in, the younger's hands lightly wrapped around one of Seonghwa's arms. Yunho was right behind them, eyes curiously roaming the inside of the house as he smiled at San's mother when his gaze met her. Wooyoung and Mingi were helping Jongho get up the stairs behind the group.

San could feel the tense energies surrounding his mother, and he nervously gave her a gentle smile before stepping in. Under her stare, he barely even felt as if he was entering his own home.

"San, are... are those your new friends?" she asked him, still glancing at their oddity with calculating eyes. When her gaze stretched to the back of their group, she shifted when she noticed the state of Jongho and quickly waved them all inside, "Oh please, come in come in. Jongho, what in the world has happened to you?!"

The boy heard a muttered 'Oh, poor boy' when she passed him to go help the youngest.

Soon they bundled around inside as they removed all their outerwear. San's mother closed the door behind them all, turning to San again. He could feel how insecure she felt with the new presence staying in their home. There was no doubt she already knew of them being Phoenixes, too.

Luckily, Yunho was an easy-going soul and stepped right forward, showing her his manners as he courteously bowed to her, his left hand around his right arm as he greeted her, "Hi! You must be Ms. Choi, a pleasure meeting you, I'm Jeong Yunho."

His mother chuckled a little, returning his greeting with a small smile, "Indeed I am."

Seonghwa greeted her afterward but San noticed how her eyes kept glancing across the room to where the blind boy had been left at. The tension clouded his mind.

"Ms. Choi!" Wooyoung exclaimed before he flung his entire form around San's mother and hugged her like she was his own mother. His loud presence removed the clouding intensities for the moment and San had to cover a giggle with his hands before he pulled his Wooyoung away from his startled mother.

"Hello Wooyoung, it's good to see you, even if we saw each other just a few days ago," she joked, although still tensely, and patted the boy's shoulder. San knew she tried to soothe her own nerves with the familiar act of Wooyoung being so lovely.

She nodded at Jongho and Mingi, who found themselves more silent in the background before she turned to Yeosang.

Seonghwa who had returned to Yeosang's side gently let him forward and told him exactly where ms. Choi was standing. When his hand reached hers, his calm expression shifted the slightest into another before he spoke, "I'm pleased to meet you, my name is Yeosang. As you may have noticed I am blind, so please take care of me while I'm here."

"Thank you for explaining this to me, Yeosang-ah. San could show you around the main rooms if you would like that?"

Fumbling with his arms to his right side, Seonghwa let him grab his arm again. Yeosang shook his head with a thankful smile, "Do not worry, Seonghwa-hyung will be my guide and lead me around."

"Please call me if you ever need anything, then I'll be just around," she nodded and said instead. She reached a hand out and gave San's upper arm a squeeze as she asked, ''Where's Hongjoong-ah?"

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