12| You, and only you

216 13 3

Wordcount; 1,650 words

The boy woke up to the feeling of soft kisses along his cheekbone and a flat warm hand spread across his stomach. It felt so nice, and he softly sighed as the feeling of peace ran through his entire body. His favorite rhythm was drumming in his ears and made him want to stay there forever. Wooyoung opened his eyes to a dark embrace and let them slide a bit up as he turned himself slightly around in the other's arm. His sight locked with the older's glinting eyes before he felt the rush of emotions crash against him through their bond like a wave licking up the beach. Wooyoung fluttered with his eyelashes and gently placed his hand on San's bare chest when he felt a kiss linger at the corner of his lips.

"How do you feel, my love?"

The boy let out another sigh before his head landed on San's shoulder. With a hum, San drew his fingers through Wooyoung's neck hair, lightly calming him down.

"Don't worry, we will skip school today. It's okay Woo," San said with his voice that always seemed to take away any worries when needed.

What in this infinity universe would he have done without the beloved boy holding his whole existence in his care? He was like the only cure for harm, and Wooyoung's personal guide through life. Definitely the sun to his moon, his one and only. A smile rose from his lips and a warm feeling settled under his skin.

He wanted to marry the boy.

"What's the time saying, I don't want to worry my aunt..." Wooyoung asked before turning a little around again and realizing they were still unclad under the blanket.

Red tinted his cheeks for a short moment before San suddenly got up from the sofa bed and shook his messy hair in the dark.

San spoke, "You're right. Let's go take a bath, before someone might get here, hm?"

A bath with San. Just the thought of it made him shudder in the sticky feeling surrounding his body. It hurt, a damn lot but the moment San hooked an arm around his shoulders to help him up, all the pain disappeared again. It sparked with magic through his palms directed at Wooyoung's pain and it soothed him deliciously. For a short moment he wondered how San still had the energy to use his magic, but the thought slipped when he felt the blanket getting tugged up around his shoulders and covering his bare skin. It was still dark in the chamber of sacramental, and San's hot breath tingled in his neck.

"I'll carry you, Woo," San said before easily slipping his hand underneath his knees and back, lifting him bridal style up the stairs.

"San, you don't have to-"

"Don't complain. I'm feeling guilty."

The times when San spoke directly about his feelings, was where Wooyoung knew he should be careful about what he said. It wasn't because San never was the one to talk about emotions, but if he confronted them too much, his ego would strike right down in the ground, and he would quickly get tangled into the dull feelings.

"It's raining outside."

San had just opened the door from the basement, and the sound of rain drumming against the windows was not to be mistaken for. Light swelled into the couple's eyesight and Wooyoung nearly fell from San's arms, when an unexpected person suddenly was found in the house with them.

Wooyoung blushed like crazy and immediately hid his head into the other boy, embarrassed about the now witness to their physical state.

At a kitchen chair, in San's parents kitchen sat none other than San's mother. And her eyes told them a story she probably wouldn't be able to forget about the next couple of times she looked at them.

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