1| Trouble

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Originally I wanted this chapter to be longer, but then I thought of that keeping the chapter-length a little shorter would be better for everyone's sake ><
Wordcount; 1,775 words

It wasn't like San was the perfect well-behaving kid, every parent wanted to get. He was that once, that indeed was true, but as he grew up, his mentality grew with him, some of it in a good way, other things in the complex different. He became the one to know everything in all situations. He knew people's next move in a conversation, with only a single observation of the person. He was able to read people like they were thin paper sheets. He became cunning in some way and quiet, not in the need to say too much. It didn't matter anyway. And San had friends, so at some point, he cut communication with others, even though he was good at it.

He had a boyfriend. Yes, he didn't care about genders. It was just like a number, they were only a symbol. And yet he couldn't unsee how he and his friends were different from others. Not related to gender, but more likely as their beings had higher possibilities. Like they were accepted more of the higher spirits, than the normal humankind. In some way, that was kind of true though, because they were actually not related to humankind, but another species called A risen from the ashes, in short form called Phoenix. As the legends say: the Phoenix gets born from the ashes, so did they.

It was a natural thing to get attracted to your own kind, and that was mostly also why the boys made friends with each other so easily. It was an unofficial rule. Already at the time they went to kindergarten, some of them became friends and later on when they started school, the rest of them got added to their friend group. The five boys were an odd combination, and yet it was so natural.

The new semester had started, and San did already want to drop out of school. It was simply too easy and too boring for him. Unfortunately, he wasn't like Hongjoong who actually liked to read and analyze the texts he read, or like Mingi who found himself unfold in a creative way with art and paint. No, not even the youngest in their group, Jongho, had troubles with finding things to take care of. San really didn't know what the heck he was doing with his life. Like, everyone around him had found a purpose of this human-like life they'd been created into.

Then there was Wooyoung, a boy who too quickly got caught up on new ideas. You could say he was just as much the one who bound the group together as he was the one causing the most trouble. Always with the risquést glint in his eyes whenever he caught eye contact with someone. San loved it. It wasn't like he was the type of person who thrived on making the most trouble as possible, but he couldn't deny though that he wouldn't receive an adrenaline rush whenever he got infiltrated in the younger's games. Perhaps it was because of the excitement he got when they crossed a line to a rule, or else it was just that he was so in love with Wooyoung that he couldn't do anything than feel excited about everything which involved the younger boy. It could be both too.

San couldn't exactly remember when they got together, as it was several years ago. But he did remember that it involved a love spell, they at that time didn't know what it meant. Although the spell wasn't something Wooyoung and him were talking loudly about, as they preferred to mention their love as unbound to the spell, and instead, more like a soulmate thing and even pure love. San really was sure about the two of them being meant to be, even if they had their quarrels at times. It was like nature drew them to one another every time one of them tried to step away, they couldn't simply escape.

The rest in their friend group would always know where either San or Wooyoung were, because they would always be near each other wherever they would be. That was one of the things on San's to-do list every single day: clinging to Wooyoung or getting clung on by the younger. They really could annoy the shit out of the other boys with being too in love, and they used their advantage against them.

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