28| Vodka and a ton of essential oils

105 13 6

Wordcount; 1,800 words

"Jongho, we were attacked yesterday."

The younger shuffled in his seat, but before he got to say anything, Wooyoung interrupted him.

"But before you say anything; listen to what I say. It happened when we were taking a short walk outside in the forest. We weren't just attacked. Somehow San lost control, and not in the way you may think. Someone or something was controlling him, I have no idea of what but suddenly a strong force was throwing him to the ground. It was a luck I was there with him or else I would not dare think about what could have happened." Wooyoung was biting into his lip at the time he finished.

"Are you sure that..?" Jongho trailed off, his eyes swimming in streams of worries.

Wooyoung erupted into a sputter at Jongho's wonder, "Are you doubting my skills of comprehension now? Of course, I'm sure - I saw it with my own eyes! Someone was putting a spell on him."

San squeezed Wooyoung's hand as he let his eyes travel from Wooyoung to Mingi and then Mingi. The four of them were currently seated in San's parents' living room, discussing with each other as they waited for the three others to show up. San's parents hadn't come home yet. It was safe to speak loudly about.

The male glanced another time at Wooyoung before his eyes went down to their joined hands, "What if this has something to do with.. them.. You know, all of those odd occurrences.. they've only started happening after we met the three of them.."

"You think they are the ones doing all of this on purpose?" Wooyoung questioned with a surprised touch in his voice, leaning back to look at San.

Skeptically, San inhaled deeply, "I don't know...it's just such a weird coincidence. I mean, first there was Byeol following us around like a living proof of a warning, then Jongho meets Yeosang who warns him that he's going to be hurt, which happens right after, all while Mingi is having dreams about Yunho. And now someone's attacking me with controlling magic - it seems to me that they're being quite.. dishonest about something. Don't forget that Seonghwa also acknowledged that they do in fact know about dark magic - so why wouldn't they also practice it?"

The youngest was drumming his fingers against the fabric of the couch he sat in, thoughtfully humming at his list of suspicious events.

"I don't think they're the forges behind this," Mingi suddenly said, claiming to be right.

San's eyes snapped over at the tall boy, scrutinizing as he saw how the other wasn't even looking at them, instead staring out the window. "And why not? Mingi, I know that you've shared dreams with Yunho, but what if he's actually just trying to somehow manipulate you into thinking he only will you good? What if he's tricking you into gaining your trust for whatever reason they may have?"

A deep frown appeared on Mingi's face before San even got to finish speaking; clearly affected by the words.

He was hurt, feeling unfairly treated but the silent atmosphere in the room gave it away that they all at some point agreed with San's suspicions about the three Phoenixes.

When Mingi finally turned his head to stare right back at San, his eyes were cold. San suddenly had trouble swallowing the lump in his throat.

"You don't believe me?" Mingi asked tonelessly.

The boy felt a sharp twinge in his stomach before panic rose to his features, eyes glancing over at Jongho for a very short-lived moment, "Mingi, listen, I really do want to believe you, but it just seems a little too strange that those things are happening along with their appearance. Think about it, when was the last time we encountered another Phoenix?"

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