19| Fate

171 12 10

Wordcount; 1,900 words

The Monday morning bit them on drizzling rain down from the grey skies, and San was whipping his head around from paranoia when they were on their way to school. Wooyoung kept telling him to calm down, as he was sure it was only his mind playing tricks on him as a side effect from all the energy he had drained from his body with the use of magic yesterday. San didn't believe it.

Wooyoung moved his rain jacket closer around his shoulders and let his head rest onto San's upper arm, causing a startle to run through the older.

The boy's eyes quickly found Wooyoung's orchid ones, "Why are you all jumpy today? There's literally no one else than us here."

San swallowed troubled and glanced away, "Yeah.. That's kind of the problem," he mumbled.

"What?" a furrow formed in the younger's face when he heard the other's words.

He shook his head and turned his attention down to the wet pavement they crossed, "Nevermind, forget it."

Wooyoung observed San while they continued walking through the rain, it was too obvious for him to see that San held himself back from telling what actually troubled him at the moment. Something ticked him off about this, that San was keeping something away from him and Wooyoung pursed his lips irritated.

Swiftly he leaned away from San and stopped walking any further, his slightly ignited eyes glowing through the tufts of drenched black hair that covered his face. He felt the water drops pass his cool, reddish cheeks.

"San-ah!" he called though the other boy already knew he had stopped, "Don't you trust me to actually tell me what is going on?!"

When San turned around, Wooyoung's gaze crossed his dark brown eyes shortly before he already had the dripping black liquid smeared across his face. San snarled lowly at him as he stepped up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his school uniform and yanked him closer until Wooyoung's heavy breathing blended with the other's. His eyes were immediately stuck on the glowing letters across his skin.

His finger grabbed his chin and lightly dug his nails into the flesh all while he drew him even closer until their mouths ever so lightly touched.

"You really like it when I lose control like this, right? Jagiya," San said, every lip movement across Wooyoung caused his mind to burn an even stronger fire.

When San locked their lips, was Wooyoung already standing in bliss from the emanations around them and he closed his eyes. He trusted San, he always had. Water trickled down into the short kiss and the younger tasted the drops when San moved away from Wooyoung.

"I love you Sannie," Wooyoung whispered through the echoing sounds of water splashing against the hard ground but a harsh hand suddenly tore him away from his dreamingly state of mind.

His hair was tugged and his head shut backward as his eyes stared up into the grey sky. A force touched the side of his head and his ear rang with a growling voice, "But still you doubt my trust? You really think that I am not trusting you even after all those years, it must be you who aren't trusting me fully," he snickered sarcastically.

Wooyoung gulped nervously and inhaled deeply before forcing himself to go even deeper into the waters, "Why aren't you then telling me everything. I know that you're keeping something away from me."

He didn't move for seconds when the words had hit San, only his fingers anxiously fisted the surface of his rain jacket. But when nothing happened, only the hands letting go of his pulled hair, Wooyoung could breathe again, now with confusion surrounding his comprehension. Whipping his head around he then found the other Phoenix leaving him behind.

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