21| A different kind of sight

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Wordcount; 1,900 words

Wooyoung brought his arm around San when they left the school together. The rain had quieted down, and left was the grey skies broadening above their heads. Slowly the younger moved his hand under San's jacket to hold him even tighter and he turned his head to look at him.

"You're mad, aren't you?" he asked, a small pout resting on his lips when he spoke.

San sighed when he was questioned and his eyes strayed away from the orchid orbs that wanted his sincere answer. But San didn't even know what he truly was feeling, so instead of disappointing his boyfriend, he shook his head and leaned forward to bring a gentle kiss to his lips.

"No, I'm not. I'm just concerned..."

Wooyoung frowned and squeezed San's side with the hand underneath his jacket, "Of what?"

Another sigh from the elder indicated that the issue was deeper than what possibly would be told afterward. San's eyes were drawn on something in the distance while worry slid across his being, the feeling causing Wooyoung's feet to grow cool.

"And I'm confused by everything that happens. Is it even the right thing we're doing, Wooyoung?"

The younger one held back an uneven inhalation as he shifted a bit around with his hands while they went, "If you mean the dark spells, I don't see a problem there. Really, don't let Hongjoong's words get to you, that one time was an accident. And the scene with Daewon was totally deserved, he's such a jerk. Don't blame yourself for that, Sannie," Wooyoung reassuringly worded as he leaned over and pecked San's cheek, his orchid orbs staying at his silhouette, waiting for San to turn his eyes at him.

"Because if I shall be honest, I'm quite enchanted by that side of you."

His eyes were soon caught by an intense stare of the older, which sealed his words into a pledge. A smirk grew on San's face and he trailed a hand around Wooyoung's wrist.


With nothing, but only a week of days, the foreign Phoenixes were already half a part of their group, and Wooyoung was clueless as to how that even was possible, considering the first day where he had been the only one talking with them. But San had given up his facade, and instead just accepted how those three foreigners apparently were destined to be part of their friend group.

Besides that, could San not stop noticing how quickly Mingi had opened up for Yunho in a way he never had seen him do before, as the tall boy always had been more reserved around new people. From the crook of his eye, he saw them sneak away from them all, just like the past days. They did it as if it was the most natural thing for them to do, though San was pretty sure they hadn't even known each other before their encounter four days ago.

"Wait, is that Jongho?!" Wooyoung suddenly sputtered as he tugged at San's sleeve to look.

Confusedly, San turned around immediately with a heartbeat that dropped low when he came to see what state their youngest was found in right now. Crutches supporting his body as he limped down the hallways filled with students, school uniform untidily thrown on as his tie wasn't even tied properly, soft auburn hair laying around his bruised face that told a story of wounds and his olive-green eyes were dull in their shade. Wooyoung ran for him as he continued yelling his name, soon helping the poor boy to the huge window they sat by in the hallway.

"My dear spirit, what happened to you Jongho!" San exclaimed as he got up from his seat and Wooyoung let the youngest sit down there instead.

Jongho winced in pain until he turned his scowling expression at San. Skin abrasions were covering most of his left cheek and it was clear to see that a part of his forehead had been sewn, as a dark thread was holding the skin tightly together. San could see that magic had been used for healing most of his appearance, considering he already had pulled off the band-aid he must have had hidden the sewn part.

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