9| Blue thoughts

228 17 5

Wordcount; 1,200 words

Normally, San didn't mind the rainy weather at all, but at this moment, he did. The wetness, the continuing drops, the color, the feeling of being beat into the ground and left to soak down there; everything about it was annoying him. Not even Wooyoung's presence was enough to overdue the feeling circling his mind. And still, San had chosen to run the whole way out of the city, and throw himself in the middle of a hilly grass area. The hidden side of him actually wanted him to feel this way because he deserved it in some way. Wooyoung had been screaming on top of his lungs when San had decided by himself to flee away from everything, but the older boy had chosen not to listen to one bit.

Now they were here, clothes soaked wet, and skin cold. Laying on top of a small hill while rain rumbled down from the grey sky. In the middle of thoughts, San felt the rain turn sour, instead acid drew across his figure in a burning matter.

No one was around, and light was only to be seen several kilometers down in the city. Wooyoung held around his body as water splashed from the ground and onto their entangled bodies. This was both stubborn and stupid.

"I hate this, I hate this so much Woo," San mumbled, a visibly pout on his lips but the words still made the younger look up at him.

Wooyoung's eyes went blurring while he let his sight wander over San's soaked appearance. Then he slowly moved closer and let his head fall on San's shoulder, his lips lightly gracing his neck before eventually kissing it.

"I do too, but what to do about it when Hongjoong's that stuck up in everything that contains himself, grades and school," he finished with a hum and tightened his arms around San.

The oldest phoenix let his head fall back, feeling his hair sticking to his forehead, and staring directly up in the falling water, not blinking any time if a drop hit directly into his eyes, "But don't you think it's weird, I mean, Hongjoong has never been this much defiant before, has he?"

The question made Wooyoung pause and think back for a moment. It definitely was odd of the oldest in their friend group, but Hongjoong had always been this way - and San was fully aware of this. What perhaps would be the biggest mystery in this case, was why Hongjoong then had been sticking around their group of trouble then, if he himself was that much of an opposition? Maybe, the law of attraction could be the explanation for this.

"I don't know San.."

"There must be an explanation to this... And I am still very aware of the unusual jouncing energies flowing in us all at this moment. Really, it may have a connection to all this happening to us, what do you think?"

The sound of the buzzing rain got trapped in his ears when he turned his gaze down at Wooyoung, who was silent. San knew something was wrong, but he didn't want to seem rude. Instead of asking directly, the phoenix pushed them both up from the drowning ground, wrapping the other boy into his embrace. He leaned in to give him a little warm peck.

"Come on Woo, let's get home."

The other boy never gave him any protests and heaved his drowning figure up on his feet again, when San braided their wrinkled, wet, and cold fingers.

Stepping into another puddle, Wooyoung started to shake because of the cold coming from his wet clothes. San let go of their braided fingers and instead winded his arm around Wooyoung's shoulders.

"I really want to do a spell when we are back."

San nodded immediately and kissed the younger phoenix's cheek.

"Of course, my love."

People must have been staring at the pair when they walked down the lonely streets of the city.


When they got back, San's parents didn't question them why they had been staying out in the rain enough to be soaked wet and covered in mud stains. Not that San felt he wanted to explain anything anyways. His mother simply just informed that San had a guest waiting for him in the cellar, which got the boy furrowing his brows and hurry down the stairs, pulling Wooyoung with him.

Gloomy candles fluttered in the room when they opened the door. A sweet scent of hyacinths filled the air and an occopied Mingi sat along one of the walls, canvas in front of him and a brush concentrated in his hand. His legs were crossed and blue paint already stained one of his cheeks, almost dripping downward like tears.

The tall boy turned his head when he heard someone enter the chamber of sacramental, and a hand quickly came to dry what was dripping down his face. It only made it worse.

"Hey guys, didn't think you would come any time soon," Mingi said and placed his paintbrush down into a cup with water. The color blended into a messy mass.

San wanted to give him a smile, but nothing crossed his lips at the moment. Not even a greeting.

"Hi, Mingi! What are you painting?" Wooyoung said and broke free from San's grip to sit down beside the other boy with a smile.

San's heart dropped instantly and he blinked unbelieving with his eyes. Wooyoung was suddenly smiling and he had not at all predicted it, his mood had been turned like a plate. Was he just seeing things again?

"Uh, it's nothing, just a quick thought I had.." Mingi trailed off and let his eyes take a turn across the painted canvas.

"It's not done yet."

San stayed behind them, admiring the blend of colors while his feelings went racing. Blue was the most prominent color, but the different hues made out the silhouettes of the different paint items filling the perspective. Everything in the picture was turning upside down, except for a bright-colored boy who stretched toward the top as he held an enormous amount of light between his hands. The contrast between the deep blue and bright white and yellowish colors was huge and noticeable.

He watched as Wooyoung leaned forward with squinted eyes before pointing suspiciously at something held within the painting.

"Yunho? Who's that?"

Mingi's eyes flickered down to his stained hands while red dusted his cheeks lightly in embarrassment.

"I... I just think it's a nice name and thought it suited well with the boy in the painting," Mingi shyly shrugged, "It's not supposed to portray anyone."

Wooyoung grinned which caused a smile to crack on Mingi's face. San wished he had done the same to Wooyoung earlier. Drops of water rolled down the side of his head, as he observed in silence their conversation for several minutes. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous of the sudden shift in mood, although he couldn't give anyone the fault when the laughter brightened the room instantly. Beside him, he noticed the cat had found a comfortable place to sleep.

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