15| Saved, for now

184 15 1

Wordcount; 1,140 words

San's hands were shaking on top of the table they laid on, and his eyes rummaged terrified through the room. He had been sitting here for hours, not knowing what to do about his situation, as he was told not to move from the spot. The classroom he sat in was empty, cold, and claustrophobic, the worst part though was the ticking clock nailed to the wall as a reminder of the time there went before someone would tell him what would happen now.

An odd blend of satisfaction and a feeling of guilt had stuck to his thoughts like tiny needles and was delving deeper and deeper in the running time that went. San started tapping his fingers anxiously against the table's surface when thinking of Wooyoung. He wanted to know where he was - he really needed to have the knowledge that Wooyoung was not harmed.

The Phoenix drew in an unstable breath, flicking his eyes down and feeling nauseating. At this point, the little amount of guilt San had felt was gone, even though he knew that his actions of skirmishing Daewon hadn't been that good of an idea. A mean part of him still wished for the hurt boy to never come back again.

San knew how fast rumors about the incident had spread with the wind. When he and Wooyoung had returned to the main building of the school, they already heard the whispers coming from every corner they passed. And their secrets of being Phoenixes were revealed and spread among students. Theories were accumulated. San was totally fucked now, if not later when his parents got to hear this.

Throwing his head into his hands, the boy let out a groan in discomfort as tears formed in his eyes. Why was everything suddenly going wrong for him? Threads drifted from his mind around in the room as he started thinking of an escape route. Perhaps... burning it all down would work? His own death sentence had he already ensured anyway, so killing himself in the attempt of getting out of this trouble didn't sound that bad actually.

San's heart stopped beating for a moment when the door suddenly opened and he raised his teary eyes from the table's surface. Never had he been more relieved and confused at the same time, when he watched Jongho, Mingi, and Wooyoung enter immediately.

"Sannie!" Wooyoung exclaimed and steered for the Phoenix who's eyes shone like two suns when he locked gazes with Wooyoung's.

The boy swung his arms around San's shoulders and his fingers hurtled came in contact with the black locks of hair. When Wooyoung kissed his cheek, he let in a deep inhalation as the smokey lavender scent calmed his senses. All tensions were chased away by comfort in each other's arms. It was not to detect the two of them had been down each other's pants just a few hours before.

Jongho grumbled highly disturbed by the sight and was close to even stamp his feet onto the floor. The voice that accommodated in the room afterward startled Mingi and made him stare wide-eyed at the youngest.

"We definitely haven't time for this."

His buff body was stiff, and his olive-colored eyes glared at the pair who too slowly for his liking was parting from each other. Jongho crossed his arms, facial expression going numb when San stared into his eyes. The youngest didn't say anything, just considered what unknown darkness had created. It really was foul.

San stood straight up from the chair as he rushed any limb to climb around Wooyoung before they walked toward the door. Anxiety became a keyword from that moment. Jongho pushed them faster down the corridors, rambling cursing spells between his lips, praying that no one would catch sight of them. It was as if the walls were pressing closer in on them and Jongho pushed harder until they finally reached the door. The youngest Phoenix grabbed San's arm and pulled the pair around to stop before they would set off.

"San- what is this?! What's wrong with you!" Jongho clenched his teeth tight together when he hissed out the next part with a lowered voice, "You nearly killed your classmate!"

The dark-haired glanced away, but Jongho turned his head around to look at him again.

"Don't just ignore me, this is not just for fun - this is vital!" the olive-eyed pointed at San's eyes, "People have seen this, they believe you're insane now."

San was suddenly frozen in place when the younger's words hit him. People had seen him. It never had applied to him, but he didn't know what to say. San was at a loss for words for this situation. His lips were sealed in silence, and he had stopped breathing. The last droplets of the dark fluid crossed his cheeks before fading from his eyes.

Jongho sighed deeply, furrows parting his face in a stressed manner, and he let go of the dazed boy, "You're lucky you got me and Mingi. We've already cleared all patterns of magic from those who've seen you in that state. They think Daewon was in a fight with some random guy in the streets."

San's bottom lip trembled from the relieving stress and his head immediately landed on Wooyoung's shoulder. His boyfriend brought his arms around San's waist and gently hugged his assuaged state. His parents may not have heard about his wrongdoings yet.

The Phoenix turned around in Wooyoung's embrace and shiftily looked at Jongho and Mingi, "Thank you, thank you so much."

Before San got to say anything more, Jongho interrupted him by a prompt hand gesture, "Don't thank us, we did this just as much for our own sake. But don't think you will miss out on talking through all this! You two will have to meet up with us all later today."

"You have no choice."

With that, Jongho left their small friend group, clearly pissed off as his temperament was showing through the energies surrounding him. San followed the youngest's trampling pattern with his eyes until he was out of sight behind the few trees along the right side of the parking lot. Mingi was looking carefully at San, a shy smile attending his face when he swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Um, your bags are in my locker, i-if you want them now..." Mingi mumbled and scratched a piece of dry paint off his hand to keep himself from stuttering too much.

Wooyoung smiled and placed a hand on the tall boy's shoulder, "Yeah Min, that would be nice. Thanks a lot for keeping them in your locker space."

Then they turned around and re-entered the building. Mingi pushed the door and held it open until the pair had walked in. His eyes were squeezed tightly together and his gums were all on display in a huge smile.

"Of course Wooyoung, you're welcome."

This was mostly a filler chapter - the next one will contain new elements to the story~

Phoenix: Blow a spark || ATEEZWhere stories live. Discover now