Chapter One: Misery

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Mono's heart was beating loudly in his chest as he ran. All he could think was Keep your eyes on Six! Just follow her! But he knew deep down that this wasnt going to end well at all. He's seen this way too many times- the ground beneath him would start crumbling, he'd jump, Six would catch him, and then she'd let him fall into the abyss below. He could just give up and let the wall of flesh crush him. But he was too afraid to. Besides, that would do nothing at all. He'd still always wake up. He'd still always be forced to continue the loop.

Pushing the depressing thought aside, he continued to run. And that's when he felt it. The ground giving way underneath him. Feeling his stomach twist, he jumped and as expected, Six caught his hand. Mono hesitantly looked up at Six, feeling his entire body quiver with fear. He knew what would happen next, but he still spoke.
"S-Six? We need to hurry, p-pull me up!"
Six didnt respond for several moments, but he knew exactly what she was thinking as they stared at each other. Finally, in a whisper, she responded. "No."

And then Mono felt himself falling. He wanted to scream and cry, or do anything to let out his frustration. But he didnt have the strength to, and he had done it so many times before that now he didnt even bother. All he did was stare up at Six as his heart shattered for what could have been the millionth time. And then he felt himself hit the ground. Pain jolted through his body, but he had no reaction to it.

He knew this feeling all too well. He was just used to it by now. So instead of laying around, he forced himself to stand up and take in the sight of the gruesome surroundings. He hated it here. He always would hate it here. But this is where he was destined to be. Sighing, he began to walk over the rising and falling flesh beneath his feet. As usual, he knew exactly where he was going. The chair was sitting atop a mound of flesh, waiting for him. Calling for him. He felt a pang of anger just from looking at it.

Despite this, he still ascended the mound, and sat down in the chair. What else could he possibly do? This was his destiny. There was no escaping. But it still made him angry. It made him want to scream. But what could he do? Mono pulled his legs up into the chair and wrapped his arms around his knees. Now the wait would begin. A long, lonely wait. Just to become a monster. He sat there for a few moments, before pulling himself up to stand in the chair. Clenching his fists, he yelled, "This is so stupid! I'm tired of this!"

But he knew yelling would do nothing. It just made him feel worse. He sat back down in the chair roughly, and buried his face in his hands.

Let the wait begin.

Sorry about a dreadfully short first chapter! The ones following this will be a lot longer, and probably a lot better than this one. This was basically more of an introductory chapter, so it was probably destined to be short anyways.

The Endless Loop (Little Nightmares 2, Mono x Six)Where stories live. Discover now