Chapter Seven: Bullies

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Mono continued forward once he was certain that the teacher was gone, into the next room. He paused just in front of one of the slightly raised floorboards, and he held his arm out before Six could walk onto it.

"What are you doing..?" Six asked in a semi-annoyed tone.

"Well, uh- the floorboard here is raised a little, its just kinda suspicious," Mono replied hesitantly, trying to make up an explanation that would make sense.

He saw Six roll her eyes, before pushing past his arm and stepping over it.

"Didnt know you'd be scared of floorboards," Six muttered as she pushed onwards. Mono didnt reply as he stepped over the raised floorboard and followed behind.

As soon as they reached the low-hanging light fixture, Mono quickened his pace and ducked under it quickly so he would be in front of Six again. He knew what was to come, and by now, he was already planning out what he was going to do in his head. As they entered through another doorway, Mono pointed to a second raised floorboard.

"Hop over this one," He said nonchalantly, before walking forward and hopping over it himself.

"What do you think happens if we step on them? Are we gonna die? Is everything gonna explode? Oh no, scary exploding floorboards!" Six giggled quietly after speaking.

Mono rolled his eyes, but he couldnt hold back a smile. "I just think they'll probably trigger some traps, or something."

"Well I think you're paranoid," Six replied as they reached the end of the hall. Mono glanced to his left as he saw movement nearby. His stomach twisted with worry. What he was currently planning was risky, but it was the safest plan he could think of.

Mono reached out and grabbed Six's hand. "This way."

He lead her down the hallway to the left, before stopping on one of the raised floorboards. Mono saw Six open her mouth to say something once he stepped on it, but she was interrupted by the locker that crashed down in front of them.

"Jesus Christ, you weren't just being paranoid!" Six exclaimed after flinching back. Mono grinned.

"I'm always right, this shouldnt be a surprise," He joked, before releasing Sixs hand and climbing up onto the locker.

"I doubt that entirely," Six replied as she climbed up after him. Mono smiled, before climbing up onto the other fallen lockers, and jumping down through the doorway. He paused, and waited for Six to hop down behind him. Once she did, he found himself grabbing her hand again.

He walked forward hesitantly. He could hear small but quick footsteps somewhere up ahead. It was making him nervous, admittedly, but he continued forward anyways. He paused right in front of a raised floorboard with a duck toy sitting on it. He tightened his grasp on Six's hand slightly.

"When I step on this, I need you to duck," He whispered.

"Ha-ha. I get it. Cause theres a duck toy. How funny," Six rolled her eyes, before meeting Mono's serious gaze. "...You're not joking, are you? Wow. Okay then."

Mono looked back at the floorboard, before hesitantly stepping forward. He felt Six crouch down as soon as he ducked, and a light fixture came swinging over their heads with a loud clang as it hit the table in front of them.

"Jesus Christ!" Six stumbled away. "How'd you know that was going to happen?"

Mono shrugged as he crawled out from underneath the light fixture, and hopped on top of it. "I just guessed."

He glanced back over at Six, before reaching his hand out again. Six hopped up onto the light fixture beside him, and took his hand in hers. Together, they climbed up and over the table as Mono's stomach twisted with worry.

Running his plan through his head, he slowly progressed down the hallway, keeping Six right beside him.

"Mono, what's up? You look really worried," Six suddenly asked.

He turned to look at her for a moment. "...I'm not. But can you uh- promise me something?"

Six nodded her head faintly. Mono hesitated for a moment, before speaking again. "Promise me that you'll run when I tell you to."

Six raised a brow, "What...? Run? I dont-"

Mono was quick to interrupt her. "Just please promise me!"

Six hesitated for a moment, before nodding. "Alright, alright. I.. I promise."
Feeling satisfied, Mono relaxed a bit, and continued forward. He had his gaze locked on a specific locker just to their left. He stopped right in front of it, before walking forward. As soon as it began to lean towards him, he shoved Six forward.

"RUN! NOW! DONT TURN BACK!" He yelled. Six stumbled forward in surprise, looked back at him, and then took off running down the hall as the locker crashed down on top of Mono. His breathing hitched as he listened. He heard Six running down the hall, but oddly enough, he didnt hear footsteps following her.

Are they not going after her..? That means- He thought, but his thoughts were interrupted by the locker being heaved upwards. He scrambled out quickly, and looked around. He was surrounded on all sides by the bullies. His stomach twisted with fear. He had succeeded in changing what happened, but what if he died here? What if Six died while she was on her own?

As soon as the bullies leapt towards him and grabbed him, he began struggling desperately in an attempt to escape. But there was too many of them. There had to be about six of them, all crowding around him and holding him in place.

"LET ME GO!" He yelled, before kicking one of the bullies in the face. The force of his kick caused its head to shatter, and it slumped down to the ground. The other bullies hardly payed attention to their fallen comrade, and suddenly Mono found himself being tied up with rope. He fell limp as soon as he was picked up by one of the bullies, and dragged along. The others dispersed, leaving him alone with just two of them.

Maybe if I... no. That wouldnt work. But what if... Mono desperately thought for a way to escape, but he knew it was hopeless. He was in the position that Six would normally be in, and if she couldnt escape before without him, he doubted he could escape without her either. He let out a quiet sigh as he was dragged along, before shutting his eyes.

Please be careful, Six.

And please help me.

I'm so evil. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It's a little short, but I'll be posting several chapters today. Oh, and sorry if it seems a little rushed! Had an orthodontist appointment. Teeth suck. Thanks for reading!

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