Chapter Six: The School

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Monos POV

Mono ascended the staircase with a smile lingering on his face.

That. Was. Adorable.

Admittedly, he had never seen her get that embarrassed before. The look on her face had been priceless, and he still had lingering giggles. Every time he even chuckled, Six would kick his ankle lightly. This only fed into his amusement, but he did his best to keep his mouth shut. Finally, he and Six came across a board that connected one side of the stairs to another.

Mono stared at it for a moment, his smile falling. He imagined himself losing balance due to his leg, and plummeting down to the ground. He brushed the thought away, and forced himself to step onto the board, using both of his feet despite the pain remaining in his leg. After giving it a wash with water before, it had gotten better, but it still definitely bothered him.

He took careful, slow steps, while holding his arms out in order to maintain balance. He tried not to look at the ground as he came across the broken part of the board. He tensed up, before hopping over it. Luckily for him, he landed back on the board almost perfectly. He let out a sigh of relief, and continued across the board until he reached the other side.

Mono then turned, and waited for Six. She wasnt being as careful as him, but she still got across perfectly fine. When she reached the other side, she grabbed him by the hand without a word, and pulled him into the next room.

"Why are you in such a rush-?" Mono began to ask, but Six turned and brought one of her fingers up to her lips. Mono then realized why, as he heard the distant sound of TV static. His mouth felt dry, and he stared at the door that was just ahead of him. He hesitantly let go of Sixs hand, and stepped towards the gap in the door. Feeling sick to his stomach, he slipped through. He knew what would happen next, but why did it bother him so much this time?

Oh. That's right.

He needed to change things this time. He almost forgot. Was this something he needed to change?

An ear-peircing buzzing interrupted his thoughts, and he clenched his teeth as he leaned forwards and covered his ears. Step by step, he approached the white screen of the TV. When he finally reached it, he thrust his hand out towards it, and began tuning the transmission.

It was always so draining for him to use his abilities to do such a stupid thing, but he knew he didnt exactly have a choice. As soon as he tuned it, he found himself falling forward, and hit the side of his head on cold stone. He forced himself up to his feet, and stared down the long, winding hallway. He didnt want to approach the door. He knew who sat behind it. He really, really didnt want to do this. But he tried to find a way to prevent himself from going through this before.

Let's just say it didnt work.

Drawing in a sharp breath, he walked forward. His steps were dreadfully slow, but the pain in his leg had almost faded completely here. He made it relatively far, but as expected, time became even slower, and he heard a faint ringing noise that intensified with each passing second. And then he felt like he was being pushed backwards. He gasped as his back hit the ground, and he found himself laying outside of the TV with Six beside him.

Once the TV shut off, he sat up, and met Sixs gaze.

"What the hell was that?" Six breathed out as she stood.

"I dont know," Mono lied half-heartedly, before slowly pulling himself up to his feet. He was glad when Six walked away to a nearby window without asking anymore questions. His gaze strayed back to the TV for a moment, and he glared at the blank screen.

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