Chapter Twentytwo: Lies

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Monos POV

Mono trembled as tears rolled down his face. The things Six had described...

There was without a doubt that she knew everything now.

Did she hate him now? He was the Thin Man, after all. Why wouldnt she?

But... if she hated him, then why would she still be here? Hugging him? Telling him about her nightmare?

...Maybe she didnt actually know anything. Maybe she assumed it was all a dream? Or maybe...

She only knew bits and pieces.

Mono drew in a deep breath.

Just play it off as a normal nightmare. Just tell her that none of what she dreamed is real. He thought. But after reacting the way he did, he doubted she would beleive him. And he wasnt sure that he could go on lying anymore.

Mono brushed his doubts away, and blinked away his tears, before pulling away from Six and glancing away from her, trying not to let her see his expression.

"...Its just some random nightmare." He managed. He could hear the fear and doubt in his own voice. He casted a glance towards Six as he anxiously waited for her to respond.

"Yeah... I know." Six replied, her voice barely a whisper. She had a worrying expression on her face. One that said 'reality just came crashing down on me.'

Mono watched as Six crept out of the vent in silence. His brows furrowed as he sat there for a few moments longer.

I... dont understand. Normally she'd know something is clearly off. Normally she'd bug me until I spill everything. But right now...

Is she just ignoring it? He wondered.

While this definitely benefited him, he still couldnt help but feel bad about it. And he just... didnt understand. Frowning, he crawled out of the vent, and watched as Six headed over to the fuse box. Her movements were slow and precise, and she kept her gaze straight ahead. Mono felt the guilt eating away at him.

Keeping this all a secret isnt doing either of us any good... she clearly knows now. Or she at least knows something. She knows I'm still trying to hide everything from her. He thought miserably.

But despite this, he didnt dare utter a word as he came up to stand behind Six. He was still too afraid of what she would think. And now... as soon as he told her... after all of his lying...

He didnt want to think about it.

He watched as Six pulled the fuse out of the fuse box carefully. As she then turned to head down the hall, he noticed her glancing back towards him nervously.

Feeling another pang of guilt, Mono followed close behind Six as she made her way down the hall, before slipping through the doorway. As soon as the nearest fuse box came into sight, Mono limped up to it and grabbed the fuse inside of it, before yanking it out. He turned, and met Sixs gaze.

"U-uhm.. what's that for?" Six managed to ask him. He could hear her voice trembling.

Shes afraid of me, isnt she? He thought miserably. He hesitated for a moment, before replying.

"We- uhm- we need two fuses to get the elevator to open." He answered, before making his way over to the elevator. He could hear Six following behind him as he approached it.

The Endless Loop (Little Nightmares 2, Mono x Six)Where stories live. Discover now