Chapter Thirteen: The Thin Man

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Mono turned away briskly and headed towards the nearby door, still feeling incredibly uneasy and distraught.

That felt.. real. That felt really, really real. He thought, before looking down at his shaking hands. As soon as he looked down, everything froze around him. Everything faded to a dull grey, and he flinched, before whirling around.

Six was frozen still just like everything that surrounded him. The rain that had been pouring outside was left hovering in the air motionlessly. Mono gulped, and backed up against the door as he looked around nervously. Then he heard a voice.

"Mono. Oh, you poor thing. You poor, stupid child. I know what you're doing. I've been watching."

Mono felt a chill run down his spine. He didnt recognize the voice- or at least he didn't think he recognized it.

Managing to muster up enough courage to speak, he yelled.

"Who's there!? Show yourself! Now!"

Mono then watched as someone appeared from the shadows. A certain tall someone who Mono hated with all his heart.

The Thin Man. Or, himself. The corrupted, older him.

Mono glared at the Thin Man as the mans gaze rested on him.

"Tell me this, child. Do you really think you can change things?" The Thin Man asked in an icy tone.

Mono was quick to reply. "Yes! I do, and I'm going to. No matter what. You cant stop me. No one can! You-"

"Fool!" The Thin Man yelled, interrupting him. Mono suddenly heard a loud ringing in his ears, and he hunched over, wincing in pain.

"Theres no breaking free. You cannot escape your fate! You are an idiot! Six will always betray you. She is destined to!" The Thin Man continued to yell, and the ringing in Monos ears intensified.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Mono yelled as he fell on his knees and covered his ears. Then the yelling suddenly stopped. The things around him returned to color, and he could hear the distant rain begin to pour again.

"Mono? MONO! Get up, damnit! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Six yelled from beside him. Mono looked up, and blinked the tears from his eyes. Six was crouched beside him with a worried, but pissed expression on her face.

"If you're going to randomly lose consciousness and refuse to wake up for five minutes, warn me next time! That was terrifying! I thought you just dropped dead!" Six crossed her arms.

Mono sat there for a while longer, feeling dazed. He then drew in a shaky sigh, and managed a small smile.

"Aww, you were worried about me?" He asked. Sixs face turned red, and she stood up quickly.

"J-Just get up already!" Six stammered.

Mono chuckled, before carefully standing. His ears were ringing, but otherwise, it was as if nothing happened.

What the hell was that? He wondered.

Six was quick to interrupt his thoughts by grabbing his hand. "C'mon, we have to go!"

"Alright, alright!" Mono managed another smile, though he still felt a lingering sense of dread. As he and Six pushed open the door, he began thinking again.

So the Thin Man knows what I'm trying to do. Does this mean he'll interfere? Will he find another way to take Six away from me!? What if I really cant do this...? What if hes right? What if I cant break free?

Shaking his head, Mono dismissed the thought of being unable to get out of the horrid loop.

No. Hes not right. I'm going to get out of this. He thought, before looking over at Six.

We're going to get out of this.

As he and Six passed through the pouring rain, Mono found his thoughts drifting more towards Six.

I wonder what she actually thinks of me. He thought as he casted a few glances towards her. She had her gaze trained on the area straight ahead, and her current expression didnt reveal much, but there was a faint blush remaining on her face.

He looked away as a he smiled, before finally coming to a stop in front of a closed vent.

"Okay, help me out with this," He gently released Sixs hand as he spoke, before approaching the vent.

"Alright, bossy," Six replied in an amused tone.

As Mono grabbed onto the handle of the door covering the vent, he quickly mumbled. "Uh- sorry- please?"

He heard Six snicker from beside him, before she grabbed onto the handle as well. Together, they managed to open the vent.

"There we go," He mumbled, before reaching out and taking Six by the hand again.

They both began to make their way through the vent, and just at the entrance, Mono paused.

"Should we wait in here for a while?" Mono suddenly asked.

Six let out a sigh as Mono released her hand and turned to face her. "Why? I dont see the point of waiting for anything right now."

"For uh- rest?" Mono sat down. That wasnt actually the reason why he wanted to wait in the vent for a while, though.

He didnt want to admit it, but he just wanted more time with Six. Time where they weren't running for their lives, or anything crazy like that.

He also didnt want to go into the hospital right away. It was hella creepy, and he just wasnt in the mood right now.

Six crossed her arms, and sat down in front of Mono. "Fine. But if we're in here for very long, I'm gonna push you out and make a run for it 'cause waiting is pointless."

Mono grinned, "That sounds fair, but I could totally catch you."

"What?? No you couldnt! You're insanely slow. You're stronger than me, admittedly, but I'm definitely faster," Six replied stubbornly.

"Ooh, admiting I'm better than you now?" Mono asked.

"No! Stronger and better are two different things, you walnut."

. . .

"Did... did you just call me a walnut?"

. . .


After Six spoke again, Mono burst out laughing. Soon afterwards, he heard Six begin to laugh as well. Several moments passed with them just laughing at a simple word as if it was the funniest thing to have ever been said.

Mono wiped a tear from his eye as his laughter died down, and his gaze strayed back to Six. She was still giggling, and her laughter had caused her hair to fall in front of her face.

On instinct, Mono reached out, and brushed Sixs hair out of her face. Sixs laughter paused, and she looked up, meeting Monos gaze.

They sat like that for several moments, just staring at one another. Mono felt his heartbeat quicken in his chest.

Then Six suddenly shoved him, and Mono tumbled out of the vent.


Mono sat up, and watched Six run towards the nearby open window.

Mono then sat there for several moments, dumbfounded.

Jesus Christ. He thought, before standing up and hurrying to follow her.

Well, this chapter was definitely fun to write! Sorry if it feels a bit short and if its lacking in action, but I'm sure you guys will like what's coming up next! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed, and thanks for reading!

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