Chapter Twentyfive: Claustrophobic

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Mono lead Six forwards, until they finally came across a hole in the platform that was safe to jump down from. He released Sixs hand, and carefully sat down on the edge of the platform, before jumping down onto a stack of boxes below. He brushed himself off, before squinting in the darkness.

I forgot how dark it was in here... He thought. He then reached into his pocket, expecting to find his flashlight.

But it was gone.

"Damnit! Where'd it go!?" He checked his other pocket, but it wasnt there either. He turned as Six landed on the boxes behind him.

"I lost my flashlight," He sighed. Six grinned at him.

"No you didnt."

"Uh- what? It's not in either of my pockets, so-"

Six suddenly pulled his flashlight out, clicked it on, and shone it directly in his face.

Mono raised his hands to shield himself from the light. "Hey!"

Six burst into laughter, before moving the light away from him. "Sorry, I just couldnt help myself. Remember that time you pointed the flashlight directly at my face? Just consider this as my revenge."

Mono grinned. "Okay, okay. That's fair. But, uh- how'd you take my flashlight without me noticing?"

"A magician never reveals their secrets!" Six winked, before lightly tossing the flashlight to Mono.

He quickly caught it in his hands, before rolling his eyes. He then turned, and hopped down from the stack of boxes, before shining the flashlight in the direction of the morgues that were lined up against the wall.

"Hey, Six can you come here real quick?" He asked as he wandered over to a morgue that was opened.

"Sure. What is it?" Six came up beside him as he stopped.

"Okay, so I'm going to get inside of this, and I need you to push it in so I can get through the other side," He explained. Six raised a brow.

"How can you tell that theres another side just from looking at it? You got x-ray vision?" Six asked jokingly.

Mono grinned, "I wish. It's just a guess. I'll tell you to pull it back out if theres not really anything there, okay?"

"Aye-aye, captain walnut," Six replied after returning the grin. Mono then grabbed onto the side of the morgue, and pulled himself up, before jumping down into the inside of it.

Then, the morgue began to screech across the metal as Six pushed it forwars. For just a moment, everything went dark, and then on the other side, light began to shine through.

"That's as far as it will go! Were you right? Or was that a waste of my strength?" Six asked from the other side. Mono grinned.

"What strength?" He chuckled. He heard Six sigh.

"Okay, I walked right into that one. So do you need me to pull you back or nah?"

"Nope! I was right. I'll try and be quick, okay?"

"Quick with what, exactly?"

Mono didn't reply as he climbed back out of the morgue, and hopped down onto the cold tile floor.

There should be a cupboard with a key on top of it in here. If I remember correctly, its... As he thought, he turned his gaze in the direction of the nearby cupboard, and he spotted the silver key laying on top of it.


He ran to the back wall of the room, and grabbed onto one of the morgues carefully. The smell of death hit his nose, and he cringed, before dragging the morgue out. Of course, this was always one of the things he could never get over. The bodies in the morgues always made him want to throw up. As soon as he pulled the morgue out all the way, he heaved a sigh, and climbed up on top of the body.

The Endless Loop (Little Nightmares 2, Mono x Six)Where stories live. Discover now