Chapter Eleven: Sleep

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Monos POV

Once Six fell asleep in Monos arms, he wandered over to a nearby vent and climbed in carefully. He then set Six down gently, and sat beside her.

He sighed, and glanced at her sleeping form for a moment.

I'm sorry, Six. I really wish I could've been there for you. Mono thought with a frown. He turned his gaze away from her, and sat in silence, staring at the other side of the vent. Now that nothing was distracting him, he could feel just how much the back of his head hurt from being dropped onto the ground.

Mono winced, and pressed one of his hands against his head.

But he touched something wet.

He froze for a second, before drawing his hand away from the back of his head. He hesitantly looked at his hand.

It was covered in blood.

Damnit! Mono began to stand, when he noticed Six raising her head.

"What-" Six began to say something, but Mono crouched down beside her and interrupted her.

"Shh, you need rest. I just need to uh- go get something real quick," Mono hurried to say as he hid his bloodied hand behind his back.

Six blinked a few times, before she frowned.

"What's behind your back?" She asked, now sitting up. Mono sighed. He knew how persistent Six could be.

"Nothing," He muttered as he stepped back, and headed for the vents opening. To his surprise, Six hopped up to her feet and grabbed his arm.

Mono tensed up, "Hold on-!"

But before he could do anything else, Six forced Monos bloody hand out of hiding. Her brows furrowed as she stared.

"Mono, where'd the blood come from?"

"I dont-"

Six raised her voice a bit. "Where'd the blood come from?"

Mono let out a defeated sigh, and sat down. "My head," He mumbled.

Six frowned, and shifted so that she could see the back of Monos head.

"Jesus Christ! Why were you trying to hide this?!" Six exclaimed. She seemed more pissed than worried.

Mono shifted, and stared at the ground, now feeling a bit guilty. "I just- I just didnt want you to have to worry about me. Again. And I dont like seeing you upset, so-"

Mono felt Six reach forward and grab his other hand.

"Mono. You're literally bleeding. I was going to notice eventually, bag head. Besides, if you keep hiding stuff like that, you could die, damnit! You seriously need to tell me about these things." Six sighed.

Mono looked up hesitantly. "Alright, I understand. I'm really sorry."

Six offered him a faint smile. "Its alright, bag head. Now let's go find something to patch that up."

As Six stood and lead Mono out of the vent, Mono complained in response. "I thought I told you not to call me bag head! I'm not even wearing the bag anymore. I'll start calling you- uhm- well, I'll start calling you something weird too if you keep doing it."

"Oh no, I'm so scared," Six replied while rolling her eyes. Mono smiled faintly, though the pain in his head was distracting. He watched as Six looked around the bathroom.

The Endless Loop (Little Nightmares 2, Mono x Six)Where stories live. Discover now