the Set Up

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I walked downstairs the morning after I had cleared the imp off the table. Over the night, the number of ghost had risen up to nineteen. Which is a pain in the ass. When I entered the living room, I saw italy and Prussia chuckling to themselves. They looked at me before stopping their laughter. I sat on the couch, dressed in a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt. "What's so funny?" i asked them. "nothing~" italy sing-songed.

I raised an eyebrow and then yelped when a ghost latched onto my back and bit the crook of my neck. "Holy fucking shit!" I yelled jumpping to my feet, quickly removing a bracelet, transforming it, and firing straight into it's head. The close range muffled the gunshot only slightly, but for added measure, Gilburt changed the TV channel to play a war movie and turned up the volume to disgusise the fact that it was a real gunshot in the house.

I sat back down and turned the weapon back as italy threw me a black couch pillow to lean on to hide the evident wound that was starting to bleed. Germany ran in with Arthur. Both dressed in pajamas. I was laying on the couch watching the movie with the others. Pillow pressed to my neck. "we heard gunfire" Germany said. "it was the movie" Gilburt replied casually. Arthur glanced at me, and I looked back. he raised an eyebrow and I looked away.

the two left to go get dressed. Italy went over, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me to the kitchen quickly. Where he tended to the wound almost immediately. "You are so lucky it-a wasn't last stage" he muttered. "those are going to start being a possiblity if we keep lieing to them" I muttered. Imp Ghosts are basic level. but thye are the few that have 'stages'. the first looks like a cute little fox that can trick an untrained Angel, or those rareities with the 'gift' of seeing them. the black little imps we have here are second stage, and the last ones are as big as a bear. Imps feed of the lies of a person.

The last stage of Imp ghosts, Serpants ghosts, Raven ghosts, or slimes, have posion in their fangs or bodies. Which 'myteriously' makes a person die from an illness already possessed in their genetics (repressed or not), or makes them a kill as many people as possible before it makes them commit sucide. It's not pretty to deal with.

Italy sighed. "the best we can do is get rid of them." he muttered. he claimed the treatment done and told me to go change shirts. as this one was ruined with both blood, and rips from the teeth. I sighed and went upstairs, avoiding being spotted by slipping into my room before Arthur could leave his. I slipped on a pale blue turtle neck and pulled my hair from under the cloth as there was a knock on the door. "come in" I said, adjusting the choker around my neck. "how is jour vound?" Gilburt asked. "it's fine. it'll heal" I said, looking at him. "and jour arm?" he asked. "it's not hurting anymore, if that's what you're asking" I replied.

he nodded. "So, i vas going to plan a lunch vith Francis. Jou know, as buddies. but something came up und I can't go. Can jou fill in for me?" Gilburt asked. I raised an eyebrow. "Why? What can make you of all people, so busy that you can't see your best friend?" i asked. it sounded accusing, but who cares. "vell... I uh... I gotta help Feliciano do the shopping! ja ja. Shopping" he said with nervous laughter. "be extremly careful of what you say, Gilburt. We have eighteen Imps left in this house" i said in a softer voice.

He nodded. "i also have to help get rid of the investationthat's appeared" he said seriously. i nodded, then smiled. "i'd love to talk with Francis more. there is something he said the other day that I'd like to ask him about" i said, walking past Gilburt. he looked at me, I stopped and looked back. "When and where do I have to be?" i asked as he smirked alittle.


I walked into the nice cafe and looked around for Francis. I found him in the corner, his back to the wall. I smiled slightly as I went over and sat across from him. My back to the entrance. "Bonjour!" he greeted. "Sorry, Gil couldn't make it today" I apologized. "non non. it is all perfectly okay" Francis said, shaking his head alittle and smiling. it was silent for a moment. I was about to ask him something before he stood up. "i have to go use zhe restroom." he stated suddenly, before getting up and walking away. i sighed and pulled my phone from my pocket. Going over some recent texts from other Angels reguarding when my return should be. there were alot of lovey-dovey people here. and i think I caught a glimps of a different head of blond hair on the other side of the room when my phoen called for my attention with another message.

I was in the middle of sending a message back to an old Angel friend of mine, when someone sat across from me. He was also distracted. "Sorry i'm late, Alfred I-" Arthur started. I was staring at him and he stared back when he stopped his sentence. "Anna?" Arthur asked. "Arthur?" i asked him. Someone walked up, setting down a cup of Arthur's favourite tea and a cup of hot Choclate. "for the couple" he said, before leaving.

"is this a set-up date?" i asked Arthur. he facepalmed and sighed. "I should've known. Oh well" he said, smiling at me. "oh well? Isn't that out of character of you" I remarked. his face turned red alittle. "Well. We have the day to ourselves, don't we? We won't be bothered by Gilburt or Feliciano today. So why not take the free time slotted for us?" Arthur suggested.

I smiled at him then took a drink of the Hot Chocolate. "i think that sounds like you're asking me out for a date" i said. he was going to say something when i cut him off. "and i'd be happy to accept" I said. he was frozen, then smiled and started to drink his tea. "Well... I-" arthur started, but someone walked up and smirked. "hello" Said a guy. He was around nineteen or so. his hair was a dark brown, and was weaing sunglasses and an orange beanie. He looked awfully familiar. "you're cute" he said, in a weirdly deep voice as he looked at me.

Arthur sent the guy a harsh look. "uh... thanks?" I said back, raising an eyebrow. he smirked. Why is he so familair!? "Sooo. Want to go out with me?" he asked. I was baffled, and was about to decline when Arhtur stood up suddenly. his hands on the table. "I'm sorry, but she's with me" he said, then looked at me. "how about we get going?" he asked. the guy stepped back as i stood up and put my phone in my pocket.

Arthur grabbed my hand and led me out of the cafe and down the street.

~at the Cafe~

The 'mysterious man' watched Arhtur and Anna leave his eyesight before he removed the beanie, wig, and sunglasses. He returned to the corner table and smirked. Returning his glasses to his face. "Dudes. It totally worked. And I think Arthur will like the Dating advice note I slipped in his pocket earlier" Alfred.F.Jones said proudly. "And zhey think we haven't noticed" Francis said with a chuckle.


I'll do the rest of the date next time. Thanks Minori for the help ^^. And thank my friend Kat for the Imp idea. You're awesome, dudes. So... See ya all next time!

See you on the Dark Side~

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