A Nation on Two Feet

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For those feeling good and those feeling bad- Hetalia_Darkness is back with another update and a hug for those who need it! Hope you enjoy!

That afternoon, after dinner, Arthur and I were watching a show that was re-airing. They were playing the first episode. As Arthur made sure he was recording all the series this time. I don't know why. The show was called 'Doctor Who', and he seemed to obsess over it. There was a know on the door and Arthur groaned and got up to answer it. But I said I would so he wouldn't miss his show. I got up and went to the door as he sat back down.

I opened the oak door to see two people. "Uhm. Sup?" A tall guy said with an American accent. His eyes where sky blue and his hair was a messy blonde. He had this little flipped hair piece thing at his part. "Hello. Can I help you with anything, gentlemen?" I asked casually. "Oui. Is Angelterre home?" A Frenchman asked. His blond hair was tied by a black ribbon and tossed over his shoulder and his eyes were sky blue. "Angelterre?" I asked. "Oh! You mean Arthur!" I added after a moment. They nodded. "M'Kay... Artie! There's some people here for you!" I shouted into the house.

"Alright. Alright I'm coming. Who is- bloody hell" He said, he rounded the corner because the way to the living room was connected to the hallway. He spotted the people behind me and his face darkened. "Sup Arthur! Whose your friend?" The American said. Arthur stepped infront of me and glared. "I thought I wouldn't see you all until Monday" Arthur said.

"Aww come on! We gotta hang out sometime!" the American said. "Oui. Ame- ahem- Alfred is right" The French one said. "We can hang out on Monday." Arthur said. "No way!" Alfred said. "Zhis lovely young lady has peeked our interests too" The French one said. Arthur put his out out defensively infront of me. Which surprised the lot of us. But Angels usually are protective of another Angel... this didn't feel like that was the case though.

"You aren't going near her" Arthur said. "Actually. I'd like to meet your friends, Arthur. I haven't met many people since I've arrived in London." I said. Arthur looked at me shocked, but the two of them beamed. Arthur let them in. "Where's Matthew?" Arthur asked. "He wasn't feeling well so he stayed at the Hotel. OH! Speaking of which- this crazy thing happened today!" The American, named Alfred, had said. We walked into the living room to talk.

Alfred sat in the recliner, Arthur and I sat on the three person couch and the Frenchman sat in a reading chair he pulled over. Mostly because Arthur was giving him hate glares when he tried to sit next to me. "something interesting?" I asked, looking at the American. "Yeah! Oh wait- I dunno your name" Alfred said. "My name is Anna. Anna Johnson" I replied. "I'm Alfred.F.Jones. and that over there is Francis Bonnefoy" Alfred said. I nodded at the Frenchman and looked back at Alfred. Arthur was focusing on the TV.

"So- Our room is by the pool to the Hotel, on the third floor, and there was a bunch of screaming! When I got to the window I saw this huge black and red thing. So I told Francis. And he ran to the window like Mattie did. And they got there in time to see these people dressed it white kill it then like- leave! It was so cool. They were like superheros or something!" Alfred said excitedly. Arthur and I shared a quick look. His eyes showed his worry, and I was worried he was compromised as a HOTA.

"That's really far-fetched. Are you sure it wasn't a daydream?" Arthur asked. Francis spoke up. "Non. I saw it too" He said. "well. whatever. Not like it's a big deal now- is it?" I said, trying to divert the topic. "So. How long have you known Arthur?" Francis asked a moment later. "I met her a few days ago, at the cafe. When I went home i saw she was in trouble, rescued her, and gave her a place to stay here." Arthur said.

I mumbled to myself alittle bit that it wasn't rescuing if I knew what I was doing. Just to play the act. Arthur rolled his eyes. "Awesome dude." Alfred said, if not with a small nervous tone. They stayed for awhile longer before returning to their hotel. "Mon Cheri. You MUST join us for lunch on Monday!" Francis said. Arthur raised an eyebrow. "I'll think about it" I said, then he left and closed the door behind him.

"What's on Monday?" I asked after a few moments of us staring at the door. "A meeting" Arthur said with a heavy sigh. He went back into the living room. I followed. "For what?" I asked him curiously. "Nations" He said tiredly, then turned on his heel as I raised an eyebrow. "Personified Nations" I said slowly. He nodded. "Awesome" I said with a smile. "How did you know?" Arthur asked. "It was in my Mission Overview" I said, flopping down on the couch. "And what is your mission" Arthur asked.

"I'm supposed to make sure ghosts don't over run the place." I said casually, waving my hand the entire time. "Speaking of ghosts, I have yet to get my weapons" Arthur said, leaving the room. He came back after ten minutes digging in his closet and was holding a wooden box that looked really old. From 'his Pirate days'. So this shit is old.

He sat on the couch and opened the box. inside were multiple pieces of jewelry. HOTAs can have an unlimited amount of weapon types. Unlike Angels. Class A Elite, like me, can have at most four types until we are promoted or given the ability to harness a new type. But I haven't yet decided on which type I would like for my last two.

Inside the box were four rings, a brown leather choker necklace like my own, a few belt bracelets that were black, and a normal necklace with a small whale bone carving of a wing. The twine on it looked really strong, despite being old.

"Italy will think something is up if I start wearing these out of the blue" Arthur said, placing the necklaces on and the bracelets. Arthur muttered. He placed the smallest ring on his pinky finger of his left hand, the second smallest on his other pinky finger, a thick ring on on his left index and another on the the right middle finger. I pulled out a small gold ear cuff from the box. The kind that hooks to the side rim of your ear.

I put it on his right ear and he smirked alittle. It was Saturday afternoon. He goes to his meeting on Monday. "What's Italy got to do with this?" I asked casually. Looking through the other mismatched jewelry pieces in the box. Arthur was testing his old weapons and fixing them up. His rings were different revolvers- which I saw him switch to being modern day pistols. The earcuff was a dagger, the choker was a dual edged broad sword, the bracelets where dual short swords, and the beaded necklace was turned into a last resort sniper rifle. As it used to be a cannon.

"Italy is the only other HOTA here" Arthur said. "Really? What's he like?" I asked, glancing at him. "Yes. He has a different sort of weapon abilites... and he's a rather weak looking Nation." Arthur said. "Like what?" I asked him. "He has a short push broom has his first weapon type, for one. And I've already said he looks weak. But he's pretty strong" Arthur said.

"He has five weapons. The broom, which is a broadsword. The Iron Cross Germany gave him is a rather effective pistol. He can turn any sort of glassware into a bow and arrow. He has three rings that turn into six inch daggers. And a five bullet revolver disguised as the belt around his waist" Arthur said.

"He sounds armed at all times" I said. "He doesn't wear his rings. But maybe I should advise him too" Arthur said to himself after he disguised his weapons once more and put them back on. I stood and claimed I was going to bed. Afterall- we're going Ghost hunting tomorrow.

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