Bad luck

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It was after dinner, when everyone went to bed. Gilburt, Feliciano, Arthur, and I all snuck into the foyer. Gilburt had on a few beaded bracelets and a choker. A red ribbon was tied around his wrist like a bracelet.

"Let's go" Feliciano whispered. We all snuck out of the house and ran into town. Blending in with the very few crowds of people partying. Watching a re-run of the latest Soccer game, and drinking.

We slipped into a dark allyway. Going down the maze of dark paths until we found a group of ghosts. Transforming, we all held a sort of blade. Prussia was a weird Angel. He had wrappings around his chest, bandages more like, and wearing short to his knees. All the uniform white. A gold sash was knotted at the left side of his hip, and he had the standard gold sandals.

"Oh shit Angels!" A ghost shrieked. "No dumbass- those are HOTA" another Ghost said. "well that girl is pretty 'HOTA' to me!" Another one added with a shrill and annoying laughter.

I walked forward and drove my katana through his head. Making him explode with the contact of a holy weapon. "Disgusting creeper" I muttered. The group of ghosts were eliminated quickly. But as soon as we decided to head home- a deep chuckle sounded from the rooftops.

We all looked up quickly to see a demon standing there. "Oh shiße" Gilburt cursed. We took action faster than we took names. Jumping up with the help of Angel wings- we were jumping like ninjas after the bag winged demon.

Feliciano was a tad faster than us- this tackling the demon with a burst of energy . Until all of use were battling in the sky. This may seem like an unfair battle- but full scale demons take two strong Angels to defeat a demon. If not seriously wound it.

This here were three HOTAs and an Angel. Being a HOTA may give them advantages- but they were out of ghost hunting shape. And this Demon looked pretty fit to me.

I charged at the demon with the help of Arthur. Arthur, being heavier than I was, brought the demon to the ground near a playset in a park. There was a tussle. White Angel wings and Black Bat wings were folded and unfolded as limbs hit each other and curses were shouted.

"Gil, Feli, quick" I said as we dived to the ground. Skidding to a halt. Arthur sat on the Demon's chest. Hands around his throat and his weapons flung all over the playground. Useless.

"Angelterre?!" A familiar French voice shouted. We all looked at the source of the voice. "Bloody Hell" Arthur groaned. "Shiße! We're caught!" Gilburt screeched.

The demon locked Arthur off him and grabbed for a ring on the ground. "Anna!" Feliciano called. I ran for the demon. Kicking the ring away from him.

"Shit! Damn you Angels!" The demon shouted. Gilburt's ribbon turned back into his sword as one of his smaller bracelets turned into a gun. "Wait wait wait! Don't send me back! Be humane! Come on man!" The demon begged.

"Our job is to exterminate Ghosts und Demons from this vorld. Sorry- Zhis is vhat ve do" Gil said. He prepared to fire when he was tackled. The demon sprang to his feet. "don't kill him!" An American yelled. "Dammit Alfred!" Arthur yelled. "shit- Frau!" Gil yelled.

The demon raked his claws down my arm and I felt a large burning. He started to fly. "nice try, Angels. But next time- I'll get reinforcements. And we won't miss your targets" he threatened. Feli took his gun and fired expertly at the demon.

Exterminating it. Arthur turned to Alfred. "You imbecile!" He said as the Angelsonas disappeared and our jewellery returned to their places. "Anna- you alright?" Arthur asked, quickly.

I was cradling my arm. the normal claw marks burned with the touch of the demon. Like pouring alcohol on an open wound yet continuous. "only a scratch. it'll be gone soon" I replied.

Arthur turned back to France, America, and Canada. "Your an idiot!" Arthur yelled. Feli walked up with a hard expression. "That was very dangerous, Alfred" Feli said. "You could've risked your souls being corrupted or one of us being captured" he added.

"Or- if Feli hadn't exterminated him- they would've known where we where. Then we'd already be dead" Gilburt added. "You.. You killed him!" Canada shrieked. "he was a corrupted soul. a Demon. He was already long dead" I said stepping forward.

"What... What is going on... Demons. Angels. And what about you- Anna? What are you?!" Alfred said. "lets talk- guys. We need to do some explaining"

Not bad for being typed on the phone at three in the morning. Sorry for errors I'm tired and the phone has autocorrect. Fucking hate Autocorrect. ^J^ not amusing.

See you on the Dark Side~

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