Undercover Angel (Hetalia Fanfic)

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First story. LET'S GO! Lemme see... Hope you like it... OH and handle the constant references. Hope you like Hetalia- well. If you didn't then why chose this story. Am I right? I mention God and Angels and all that alot. But don't think I'm letting a whole lot of religion in on this. I'm not the most influenced person when it comes to religion. With that gone- Let's start!


I had a meeting with the Head Angel. The one who gave out our missions. His name? Well- his name was Steven. And he's been in Heaven for a very long time. He was the most important and busiest Angel of them all. He barely had room to talk to an Elite Angel. Which worked beside him. And I was going to run late.

I threw my dark fushia coloured hair into a high ponytail as I went into my room after my quick shower, and dressed for the day. Angels have alot of clothing options- but while in public it's dress in white, gold, and your assigned colour. My colour was Fushia, because sometimes people are uncreative and name the first colour they see as an Angel's.

I pulled on the white dress. It went to my knees modestly and had long sleeves that got wider at my wrists. I pulled on the fushia corset and snapped the pieces on the side in place. It reminded me of the steampunk look I've become fascinated with recently.

I pulled on the gold sandals and laced the ribbon up to my knees with trained skill. I made sure my signature jewelery pieces were there. A black ribbon was around my neck as a choker type necklace and a few bangles were around my wrists. Those were my weapons. And I had spares hidden in my room somewhere. With this, I locked the door to the house and started my flight towards Steven's work building.

I'm so sorry- but my rush must've left you confused.

My name is Anna Johnson. I'm an elite Angel of Heaven. I've been here since I passed away in my own world. I am seventeen years old and have three adopted siblings. They took me in when I was a new Angel. They are trouble makers and were sent to Earth for all the trouble they caused. Specifically- they lived in Japan. They cannot come back until they've gathered twelve Heaven Coins. Which they waste sometimes on useless shit instead of saving them to get back here.

I have dark fushia hair that reaches the middle of my thigh while unstyled or unmessed with. In the normal light it looks black, but it's fushia. My eyes are a very icey blue. It's a contrast to my dark coloured hair, but definitely a noticeable feature.

That's enough story time.

I landed gracefully on the front steps of Heaven's busiest building. Known as 'The Center'. It's where the Top Angel and the best of Elite Angels work. Getting direct orders from the Big Man himself. I walked in and got a few glances. But I get to come here often- so it wasn't a big deal. "Ah. Anna. There you are" I heard Steven say. Steven was a strange Angel. Whose missions are kept on the DL. Steven, instead of just handing me my mission papers or asking for a stroll to discuss the topic, led me to his office.

He sat behind the desk. Putting his elbows on the white marble-like surface and setting his chin on his folded hands. His hair was alittle long and white, and he had a mustashe. His robes were long, white, and reached the floor. His wings were folded but very long and white. He stared at me for a moment as I sat in the less comfortable chair across from him. The room was white, like every other area in Heaven.

On his desk was a Angel Corp. computer system. Which was very high-tech for the world below being deprived of such things. an 'In' and 'Out' box of documents had an even amount of papers in them. There was a window overlooking the largest city of Angels so far. And let me tell you, Heaven is FULL of cities like these.

It was five solid minutes before he spoke for the first time since I arrived here. "In the past... the Big Man sent me to Earth for a simple task." He began. "I was to visit a girl, in a locked universe of Earth, and tell her I was God. Where I was supposed to give her a message. Weather she agreed to take it or not- was her choice." He said, though he didn't sound like a story teller in the way he spoke.

"Awhile later I was sent back to this same locked universe. I was to tell a certain boy I was God. And I would show him, his innermost dream. The female versions of his friends" Steven said. "I don't understand" I said after a moment. "What does this have to with me being here?" I asked. "The Big Man has sent you a personal mission request. To take care of, undercover. ASAP" Steven said, calmly. Yet he sounded unsure. "W-What!? M-Me? He must have the wrong Angel! I'm too clumsy for an undercover mission" I said, standing.

Steven looked up at me. His eyes were grey, like his hair. "Miss Johnson. This is a mission from God, Himself. This very universe your being sent to is special. To him, and me. It needs the care of the Angel he trusts. And you were the one. I don't know why he chose you, and not a more experienced Angel. But please. Accept this Mission" Steven said, standing calmly. He gave a deep bow, like the Japanese do.

I hesitated for a moment. After I've forgotten all I knew about Earth. Was it still full of friendly people? Or was it crowded with the evil my siblings sought to exterminate on their own mission to get back here? I mean- this was a different universe from them. Hopefully it was not the one I was born into. "I-Is it a long term assignment?" I asked. He nodded after standing straight up and I suppressed a heavy sigh. "I accept" I said in monotone. He looked alittle happy, before he spun on his heel and picked up a paper from the small table behind his desk. Where he kept his classified mission sets for other Elites.

He turned to me with a royal blue folder. And in it was a bunch of papers. Angel folders are special. If there is an update the Angel in the field doesn't know about, it's types up and automatically sent into the proper folder. I took it and bowed respectfully. I was excused so I went home. I had to leave ASAP, so I packed quickly. It was a small bag. Made to look like a messenger bag but it was infinite on the inside.

I packed a good amount of clothes, my spare jewelry, and other necessities. I made sure to change and store away my angel outfit. I pulled on a pair of dark colours jeans and a black turtle neck. Over that was a white coat that mimicked that of a detective's but went only my my waist.

As I walked, the bag hit my leg. The door to the house was locked. Inside was a note saying that I had a mission to do. Just in case my siblings come home before I do. I started flight towards the gate of the universe I was to go to. You see- there is only one heaven. And it connects to all dimensions. This locked dimension was a rather rare one. Only demonic or rarely evil infected worlds get locked. That doesn't mean spirits can't travel here- it just means Angels can't go down. Because that world is too vile for the lights of us 'holy messengers' to shine bright enough for a difference. This world was rarely infected with Evil or found it's way back to the light on it's own when it was. Which was pretty cool.

The folder for my mission was out. The pass for clearance in my jean pocket. A Heaven issued, Angel Corp. cellphone in my bag. I landed near the portal as I scanned the over view of my mission. It was to make sure a certain group of certain people are protected from a certain evil. I also had to dispute any ghosts before they became a public issue. There was a small side note taped to the back of the paper. In it, written in bright pink pen, was the following.

'And make sure to have fun! There's a reason I sent you here- and you might like what it is  -the Big Man'

I replaced the note on the inside of the folder and put that away. I took a deep breath once at the edge of the swirling blue vortex that led to my temporary abode. Yes- this portal will lead me directly to the place I'm going to stay at. Cool, right?

With that, I fell forward. Arms out and feet together. I could feel the wings on my back disappearing for safety. The magnetic weight of my halo all but vanished. And then I felt the ground under me, before I passed out.

'I hate portal travel'


Welp. This was a thing. whadda think? Good? Bad? Shit yourself terrible? I dunno...

Undercover Angel  (Hetalia Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now