Creation of Hell

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  I swore the being in front of us looked like Alfred. It really did. But his hair was black and his eyes where like neon blue lights. 

"Shit" Prussia hissed at the creature. 

  A demon. His scent swarmed and infected the very walls of the house. It made me want to gag at its rotting aura. Prussia pulled off the Iron cross around his neck. The chain snapping as it transformed into his broadsword. I held out my own weapon  in defense as Feliciano pointed both his pistols at the threat. 

"Calm down now. No harm here," the demonic American chuckled, "The name's Danny. And I couldn't help but notice that your little group is missing one." The demon shook his head. Almost sarcastically. 

'He thinks we're fools' I thought. 

"We're going to get Arthur and every other HOTA you may have out of Hell and then we'll kill you, understand?" Feliciano said with a near threatening tone.

"What the hell is that?!" Screeched Austria from near the hallway. 

  Danny smirked and lifted off the floor a bit thanks to the beating of his wings. "I don't think you'll win this fight. Silly, Silly Angels" He taunted before he was gone.

"Look out!" It was Hungary who had yelled.

   Prussia was running forward with Feliciano and I following closely. Our Angelsona's broke as our concentration slipped to non-angel related matters.

  Prussia rounded the corner and ran. Slashing at a huge snake ghost. It curled in on itself and exploded. Not getting anything on anyone as it dissolved into nothing. 

"Gilburt-?" Hungary started. Feliciano slid over and onto one knee to fire four shots at on coming ghosts. I stood nearby with my sword in hand and ready to fight off any ghosts brave enough to venture near three people with Angelic weapons.

"Feli- what- and Anna? Why are you both here? What's happening?" Austria was babbling questions in English before he became too worried and started off in his own language. Looking increasingly worried and panicked as more words tumbled from his mouth.

"Roddy, calm down. Anna, Feli, I'm going to take them outside before those ghosts start flooding the upstairs. We don't want anyone hurt" Prussia said, turning to look at us.

"We'll go find everyone else" Feliciano stated. Gilburt nodded and nudged Hungary and Austria back the way we came. All the way to the window at the turn he had taken too harshly. Feliciano and I turned to the wall of large ghosts blocking off the hall. Feliciano fired some shots and I moved to slice ghosts as we ran through the house. There was yelling from a room where ghosts crowded the door. Feli took care of them while I got pried it open. Inside was Francis, Alfred, and Matthew.

"Guys" I said after we had walked in. 

"Anna!" Francis said, an almost relieved expression on his face. Matthew was on the bed, a large slime tightening around his throat. France was holding his hand just above the monster as the Canadian was trying to get proper air. It wasn't too late. Feli ran over, put the gun near his neck, but not at it. He fired before France even had a chance to yell no. 

  The slime was gone and Matthew took a deep breath and coughed. "Francis, get him out. There's a window at the end of the hall. It's open, go through it." Feliciano stated, turning to look at the Frenchman. 

"Don't go downstairs. It's too dangerous," I added, gaining a nod from the Frenchman and Canadian as they shuffled past us. 

"Oh. Alfred is somewhere else in the house. He heard a crash somewhere else in the house and went to go check it out," Canada  stated before they were gone.

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