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Hello! For the ones feeling blue and the ones feeling.... idfk YELLOW. I have blessed you with the darkness that is this Fanfic. I'd bless you with light- but my name signals to otherwise. SO! An update and a hug for those who need it- as always. Enjoy~!


"Okay. Please run the errands while I'm gone. Okay? And text me if you find any ghosts" Arthur said. I was dressed in my PJ's while he was in his light grey suit. It looked alittle odd with his new weapons. Which his rings were polished like the ear cuff, and the wing carving got a new coat of white paint. "Okay. Make sure I get to talk to Italy during Lunch with France, America, and Canada. Okay? I wanna meet him" I said, clapping my gloved hands together infront of my face with the sheer excitement.

Arthur and I 'raided' a small cheap jewelry shop. Where he allowed me to get two new weapons. Now- I said types. That doesn't limit me to exactly how many of those specific types I get. He also found a few good items to find something to do with. Like- if I found another bangle like the ones I have, that's an instant pistol. You can never be too careful in a pinch. I decided on ear cuffs like Arthur's and a special fingerless gloves. Like riding gloves, except your hands don't get all sweaty and hot.

The cuffs were five bullet revolvers and the gloves were katanas. I had three, small silver plain cuffs on my right ear. On the left I had a large one that looked like a small dragon. My gloves were black with wings on the tops. So if I made an X with my arms they'd look like normal wings. While separate they looked opposite. Because I'm complicated. Arthur got three extra cuffs to adorn his empty ear and an extra belt bracelet for his other wrist. The two he currently had was on his left.

Arthur sighed and agreed. "The meeting ends around twelve thirty. You know the address?" Arthur asked, adjusting his tie. I nodded and he sighed again. "Wish me luck" Arthur said and I did before he left.

With that- I went upstairs to get dressed and ready for the errands.

~Arthur: at the meeting~

I sat down at the desk and waited for the last few Nations to strain in. Traffic was bad so I can't blame them. The meeting started and Italy, who was sitting across from me, stared intently at me instead of paying attention to the presentation Japan was giving. It looked like he wanted to ask the question as to why I decided to pull out my old HOTA weapons.

Italy had a look of sudden realization and reached into his pocket and revealed his three thin rings. I knew he didn't go anywhere without those. Which he placed on his left index, right middle, and right thumb. No one seemed to notice. I reached up and tapped my ear and he nodded. I slowly outlined a dagger on the desk with a ringed finger and he nodded for a moment before slowly outlining a small gun. I nodded and casually removed an earcuff while resting my ear on the palm of my hand.

It was within my fingers when the next preseneter was called. It was me. I put the earcuff in my pocket quickly before grabbing my papers and walking to the front of the room. I got weird looks. Especially from Spain because this was former Pirate wear. I finished my presentation. Soon the room was in chaos when Alfred decided to bring up his hero thing again. And I escaped from France to talk to Italy. I handed him the earcuff and he put it on quickly. "Why-a did you-a pull out the HOTA weapons" He muttered. We were by the window near the crowd. But we couldn't be heard over their shouting.

"I met an Angel whose on a mission. Apparently Ghosts have been popping up everywhere. And I paired up to help her out. I don't know if HOTA's are being targeted, so I wanted to be armed. Just incase" I replied softly. He nodded quickly. "I-a agree. Can I-a meet this Angel?" Italy asked. I nodded. "You can invite Romano, Spain, Japan, and Germany to the Luncheon France, Canada, and America are having. She'll be there" I said.

Just then, Germany called for order and I rushed back to my seat. The meeting was over within a few long hours and I waited for everyone. Italy sat on the table near by seat and asked me questioned about Anna. "What's her name?" He asked. "Anna" I replied, fiddling with my rings. "When did you meet her?" Italy asked. "A few days ago" I said back.

"When did she arrive in London?"

"The day I met her"

"Is she pretty?"

"I guess so"

"Does she live with you?"

"Yes, she does"

"What's her favourite colour?"

"I think it's Fushia"


"Yeah. Fushia"

"Does she know about the countries?"

"She found out when France mentioned the meeting the other day"

"Oh. At least there is trust!"


"Sorry I'm alittle late" A female voice said from the doors. I stood and looked at Anna. She wore knee length jean shorts and black converse. She had her green hoodie and a dark blue tee-shirt.  Along with the jewelry and her new gloves she kept with her. "Who is zis" Germany asked. "Ah. Sorry. My name is Anna. Anna Johnson." Anna said with a bright smile. Italy walked over and beamed at her.

"Ciao bella! My name is Feliciano Vargas, but you can call me Italy!" He said brightly. "Hello" Anna said, in the same bright tone.


The auburn haired Italian dragged me over to four other people. Which became five, then six. "Kesesesese!" One silver haired boy laughed. He was German, and had deep crimson eyes. "I am zhe awesome Prussia! Or Gilburt Beilschmidt. And zhis is mein little bruder Ludwig Beilschmidt! He's Germany" The Silver haired boy, now labeled Gilburt, said with a grin.

"Konichiwa. I am Honda Kiku. Or Japan." A black haired boy said. He had chocolate brown eyes, his hair in a bowl cut style. "Hola! I'm Spain, or Antonio Fernandez Carriedo" Someone said. He had green eyes and dark brown hair. His skin was tanned just the slightest bit. "And this-" He started again, pulling a rather reluctant boy near him.

"Is Lovino Vargas. Or South Italy" He said. Lovino had darker hair than Feliciano but lighter than Spain's. His eyes were olive coloured, and Feliciano's eyes were honey coloured. Lovino had a curl coming from his hair's part. It was like the one Feliciano had coming out of his head.

"u-uhm. I'm Matthew Williams. Or Canada" A soft voice said. I turned and saw the boy. He was clutching a polar bear tightly. His pale blond hair barely brushed against his shoulders, and his indigo eyes were shielded by thin oval glasses that seemed invisible on the tops. He had this wonky hair that came from his part and looped once and bobbed infront of his face.

"Nice to meet you Matthew" I said with a soft smile. I turned around. "And it's nice to meet the rest of you, too" I said sweetly. "Is it just me- or are you wearing more jewelry than the last time I saw you?" Alfred asked. I looked at my hands. "Yeah... well. I did take them off that day because I packed them in my bag- but I found them so yeah. Wearing them" I excused.

They shrugged it off and we went to lunch.

Undercover Angel  (Hetalia Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now