Date Day

95 4 1

Lessee.... I forgot Minori's dating advice help... Shit I waited wayyyyy too loongg to write this. DAMN SHIT FUCK. ANYWAAAYYSSS. For those feeling like Shit I have a hug and an Update for those who want it. And for those who don't feel like shit... I also have a hug and update for you. So enjoy it. It's fucking short. I'm so sorry but I NEEDED TO BRING YOU THE FLUFF BEFORE I MAKE SHIT HAPPEN. It will happen.

Arthur and I casually walked down the street. Arthur stared at a piece of paper he found in his pocket, growled, then crumbled it and stuffed it back in his pocket. "That Wanker..." He muttered. "Talking about Alfred, are you?" I asked him with a small chuckle. Arthur sighed, then smiled at me. "Yeah. He's being a bother. As usual" Arthur commented. I laughed alittle, and that seemed to brighten Arthur's mood.

"So. What do you have in mind?" I asked Arthur casually. He froze then rubbed the back of his neck. "I really don't know" he admitted. I thought for a moment, then had an Idea after looking at a poster. "How about that little festival thing that came to town today? It has alot of music and stuff" I said. He looked at me, then nodded. I grabbed his wrist and started to lead him down the street.

The festival was held in the plaza where the marketplace was. There where booths selling things around the edges of the circular area. In the middle was a band. Playing lively music. There were some people dancing. I looked at Arthur and he suggested that we look at the wares being sold.

A booth caught my eye. There were trinkets scattered on the cloth covered wood. Arthur's eye was caught by a book sitting on the same exact table. The lady who ran the small booth spoke in Italian towards us. A language neither of us knew how to speak now that I think about it. I glanced at Arthur and he glanced back at me.

"We don't speak Italian" I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Don't-a worry, Bella." Said the shop keeper. "Many tourists visit. So-a we shop keepers know the language." She explained. "Oh." I replied. Arthur picked up the book he had stared at, and then something else. But I didn't see what.

"Can I have these, please?" He asked. The lady nodded as Arthur exchanged money for the items. Then we walked off. "What'd you get?" I asked him. Arthur took my hand and placed something in my palm. I opened my hand to see a small broach. It was half of an angel's wing. He pinned the other half to his shirt discreetly. I smiled at the small item before pinning it to the collar of my shirt. That was when a upbeat song started to play and I grabbed Arthur's wrist.

He stuffed his book into his bag as I dragged him to where people where dancing. Which I really didn't even notice he had with him but oh well. We started to follow how the people where dancing, which was in a big group with lots of moving around and switching of partners. It was fun, but I lot track of Arthur often. He would always reappear in my line of sight. (I keep thinking of the Tangled Dance Scene. So Imagine that please, it fits best)

The song ended and I was standing infront of Arthur with one of our hands links together. He was panting from all the exercise and excitement of dancing. I smiled widely at him. "Let's... not do that again" Arthur said with his own smil. "You need more energy" I laughed, starting to walk with him down another street towards no real destination.

Arthur didn't realize it, but I still hadn't let go of his hand. Nor did I want too. The atmosphere around us just felt so... perfect. I felt a piece of paper appear in my free hand as Arthur started a conversation about how beautiful it was today. I looked at the paper for a moment and smiled. Not knowing fully what it meant yet I knew it was good news. I folded the paper and put it in my pocket before looking at Arthur and joining into the conversation animatedly.

Written in bold pink letters, on a piece of fresh printer paper torn from the corner, was two words that made me happy somehow.

'Found him'

Enjoy the fluff of sailing ships. Because it's gonna get trivial here soon. >:3 Your welcome. *I found this sticker on FB messanger that is this little boat that says "I ship it". It's like- my favourite sticker. Holy shit*


See you on the Dark Side~

Undercover Angel  (Hetalia Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now