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Oh. Whoops looks like I did. Silly me...... ANYWAYS BACK TO WHAT THEY WHERE DOING


Feliciano had given me a few extra bangles, some ear pieces, and a belt bracelet. I felt alittle better armoured now, and alot more confident with one of the four partners here with me. Thankfully, Feliciano knew the way to Germany's house by heart. He once told me that's how he'd get to his house and sneak in all the time. Mostly because Angelsonnas are notoriously quiet and don't alert many animals.

After about an hour of extremely speedy flying, we landed on the dirt next to the driveway. The dirt cracking slightly as it shifted. We ran up to the house, turning our angelic appearances off quickly. Passing a few unfamiliar cars as we did. Feliciano, instead of knocking, picked up a key from under a really non-suspicious pile of rocks by the porch, and then threw open the door after the lock had been 'picked'. He looked back at me to tell me it's alright as long as we were quiet. It had started to get pretty dark by now. I wouldn't be surprised if anyone was sleeping.

Feliciano shut the door quietly after I entered. "Don't you think Angelsonna would be quieter?" I whispered. "Yes, but I once broke a vase with my wings. So let's not" Feliciano hissed back. I nodded and he led the way upstairs, walking slowly down the hallway. Trying not to wake anyone as the house was silent already.

We reached Gilburt's room. I quietly tapped on the door with a finger. I did this for another few minutes until the door opened and a grumpy Germany walked out instead. Feliciano and I both froze. "Vhat the hell are jou doing here" Germany asked. Looking from me and Feliciano angrily. "Shit" I hissed under my breath. "C-Ciao Germany! We had to talk to Prussia about something. But we didn't want to wake you!" Feliciano lied perfectly.

A large black thing moved out of the corner of my eye. I didn't look at it just yet. "Und it couldn't wait until morning?" Germany chided. "Well... No. It can't" Feliciano admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "Vell. Prussia was being paranoid so he decided to sleep in the basement. Zhat seems to be his hangout" Germany stated grumpily.

"So why are you in his room?" I managed to ask. "I heard the door and wanted to surprise an intruder by being in a place they'd least expect me" The German admitted. He took a step forward and shut the door to his brother's room. "Go try waking him up if you want. Not sure how happy he'd be. It's almost past midnight" Ludwig said, turning to walk back to his bedroom. Rubbing the bridge of his nose with an index and thumb.

We watched him walk away. Feliciano hit my shoulder lightly. Gesturing with a head nod at the black figures moving in the bare stretch of light from the windows. They were on the wall over the landing, and at the end of the hall where it branched off to the left and right. But it wasn't very bright with the clouds covering the moon so often. The black thing noticed us watching and slinked back into the darkness.

"Let's go get Gilburt and rescue Arthur" Feliciano said to me seriously. I looked at him, nodded, and let him lead the way back downstairs. The door to the basement was located under the stairs. There was a muffle screaming from Gilburt. Yelling at something in the room with him. From under the door I could see the shift g colours of black and red. Noting completely the blank yellow eyes and the pressure being forced on the other side of the door. Feliciano panicked at the shouting and opened the door quickly. Before I could warn him of the danger.

We stared for all of two seconds at the shifting black and red wall in the doorway. Before it fell on us like a wave. And kept falling until the entire first floor around us was ankle deep in laughing ghosts. Feliciano recovered first, both of us somehow still standing. "Gilburt!" Feliciano yelled from the landing on the wooden stairs leading to the basement floor. I took a step to follow him inside. Noting that every inch of wall space was covered in movie, band, show, and event posters. His own flag pinned to the wall, cement floor covered in carpet an a old couch facing a large TV. Well- that's what would've been on the floor of the amount of ghosts wasn't suddenly inclining.

Undercover Angel  (Hetalia Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now