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WELL. GUESS WHOSE BACK? IT'S ME! For those feeling good and those feeling bad- I have an update for you! And a hug for those who need it. Anyways- we are staring now! GO GO HETALIA RANGERS! On the side are their Angelsonas that I drew. ^^

~Three days later~

I woke up to the room Arthur let me use as my own. It was plain. A queen sized bed was in the center of the room but pushed against the inner wall. The same one the door was on. Two large windows were on the outerwall. The walls were painted a pale purple and the ground was a hard wood. Arthur said that I could decorate it however I would've liked. But I didn't see anything I could do with it just yet.

But I did put whatever clothing I dragged with me in the dark wood dresser and hung up the cloths like a few dresses in the closet. It was pressed against the left wall, near the door in the upper left corner. There was a closet on the right wall. It slid open with white folding doors and had a full length mirror beside it.

I got out of bed. It was really soft and had a heavy duvet that was a dark grey. The pillows were a matching shade of onyx, while the sheets were white. The curtains on the windows where a slightly transparent white. Under the right window, near the closet, was a desk and rolling chair. That was where I put my Angel Corp. Computer and the Mission folder. A small set of books sat on the corner near the lamp.

I found a pale purple basket that I sat on the dresser where I dumped whatever notes where sent to my from heaven. Which wasn't many. My phone was hooked up to the Mission Map.

I got dressed in a pale yellow tee-shirt and black skinny jeans. With this- I walked downstairs and ran into Arthur. Who was making breakfast. His cooking wasn't that bad. But I advise you never eat his scones. Today he was making pancakes. He looked at me as I walked in. "Good morning, Anna. Sleep well?" Arthur asked. I sat on the counter. "Yeah. I did. How'd you sleep?" I asked him.

"I slept well... but I had a thought" Arthur said. His back was to me. I raised an eyebrow at him though he didn't see. "A thought? I certainly hope so..." I said, making the small joke. He chuckled a bit at its lameness. "But... Since I'm also an Angel and you're here to fight ghosts... Do you think we could pair up?" Arthur asked. I froze and stared at the back of his head as he worked. I've never paired up with someone for a mission before... or in general. I usually work alone.

He took my silence as a que to explain. "I mean- not that you're not capable of defeating Ghosts on your own... but two angels are better than one- right?" Arthur said. I smiled softly then beamed brightly. "Sure! Sounds like a great idea!" I agreed. He spun around on his heel and stared at me. "Really?" He asked, looking alittle surprised and excited.

I nodded and he smiled. "Thank you" He said, turning back to finish preparing breakfast. After we ate- we had to go run errands. I pulled on a green hoodie and threw my hair into a ponytail after brushing it. I then pulled on a pair of black shin-high boots. Arthur just pulled on a pair of black jeans, a beatles tee-shirt, and his own green hoodie. We both pulled on a pair of shade because i was sunny out.

Walking outside after the heavy spouts of rain was nice. The air smelt cleaner and fresh. Arthur glanced at a hotel as we passed by. I stopped and looked back at him as he had stopped. My hands were stuffed in my pockets. "Arthur?" I asked him. My phone beeped and I took it from my pocket. Arthur looked at me. "There's a ghost in there" I said, stashing it away. "Back lot. By the pool" I added. Arthur nervously followed me inside. It was easy to sneak around the clerk. As the lady was reading a magazine.

We found the door to the pool and heard a few frightened screams before it was forced opened and a few people ran out. We ran in after Arthur caught the door before it shut. I saw three people who looked unimportant to me. They were near the towering ghost that looked to be dripping water. It's red eyes glared at everything and it's black surface resembled mud. It roared as I reached for my necklace.

"okay- we got this" Arthur said. I nodded, but then realized that he didn't have angel weapons. He admitted a second later that he left them at home because he doesn't use them. "Better start carrying them around, Artie" I said, then we transformed into our Angelsonas. He muttered something about not using them since his pirate days. So I internally chuckled alittle bit, he mus have meant the days he was a child. That makes me wonder how long he was a HOTA.

"O' wicked soul born of a lost soul in limbo" Arthur and I said together. I took the necklace off and tossed a bracelet to Arthur. we started walking towards the ghost at the end of the large pool area. "Receive judgement from the garb of the Holy Virgin: Cleansed of worldy impurities: Return to Heaven and Earth" We said. Before we both had our weapons in our hands. "Repent!" We yelled, before I took off to slash at the ghost and Arthur shot at it.

Within moments the ghost had exploded and I grabbed the two coins that we received from it. we changed back into our normal clothes in seconds before we left. The cops were going to investigate and we needed to bail. "Well... that was a thing" I said as we causally walked down the streets and to run the errands we needed to run.

Such a casual ending. like- really casual. ANYWAYS

See you on the Dark side~

Undercover Angel  (Hetalia Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now