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WARNING. Don't hate Doitsu for this. Please don't. It's just how the character was created and DON'T BE HATING BECAUSE THAT IS JUST HOW SHE IS. GOT A PROBLEM? FUCK OFF. Pardon the language but seriously. I don't want hate because of how one or maybe two of your favourite characters had ended up. Or the others. You know- just don't question how I made them end up. I thought about these for a long time and I'm alittle happier that I had them relate to the Fandom Fears and my own personal headcanons.

Alfred, Francis, and Matthew were sat down on a park bench while Italy had run to a corner store to get a first aid kit. Arthur stood with crossed arms and a harsh glare, Gilburt was picking up the demon weapons and the bracelet that was dropped when Alfred tackled him. Turning it into a gun momentarily to check for damage, It was fine and he put it back on.

Gilburt stood by me as we check out what he had. "Damn. He was seriously armed" I said, still clutching the seriously burning claw marks on my upper arm, as I leaned over to look in the temporary pouch he made with his tee-shirt. He had five rings, ten bracelets, three chain necklaces, one choker, three ear cuffs, and two earrings. If that was anything it was dangerous to attack him like that.

Feli ran over with a plastic bag and the med kit. He made me sit on the ground as Prussia put the demon jewelry into the plastic bag and tied it off. My arm was being treated as Arthur started the explanation. "As I said before, you're an idiot." He said firmly.

"Woah woah, I'm the idiot!? You guys were a bunch of skirt wearing lunatics with guns!" Alfred argued. "The correct term is Angel" I piped up. "Non. Angels are gentle and beautiful. They do not harm anyzing. And Zhey really shouldn't dress like zat" Francis said. "Ha. Trust me Francy. I've been an Angel for just over seventy years. I know how they work. And that was standard uniforming. It's assigned, not chosen" I said.

Silence. I mentally did the math before I spoke. That made my time of death around the 1940's... you... you can figure out what happened. And I've heavily grown out of my old ways of life. Having a non-Religiously seperated life was alittle easier up there. And I sure as hell wasn't hated for what has happened. Even though some Former German Soldiers do send me heated glares at times.

"So are you a Mortal born Angel?" Arthur muttered to himself. I didn't want to tell him... "B-back to the explanation" I said, looking down. Feliciano had a small sad expression. "Okay- so what if you were Angels. Why?" Matthew said. "Technically Anna is the only full Angel. Gilburt, Arthur, and I are HOTAs. Which is another class altogether" Feli said. "HOTA?" The three blond boys questioned. "Heavenly Obliged Truthful Angel" Gilburt said. "Zhe name makes no sense. But it is a sort of- complicated class. We are the same match for an Elite A class. Like Anna here. But it came with... complications" Gilburt said.

"What, due tell, are zhose?" Francis asked. "Their life" I said softly. More silence. "You gave your life to become an ANGEL!?" Francis exploded. "No no. Anna didn't explain it very well... If we die before we have too- and there is still an impact on the world we could make or if we died unfairly. Say- an accident or a murder in cold-blood... we're given another chance at life. If not forever immortal as the consequence or until a Demon can kill us." Arthur said.

"So at some point... one of you.... d-died?" Alfred asked. We all nodded. "When" Francis demanded. "You can't just ask someone when they died-" Arthur started. "WHEN" Francis roared. "I-I died long ago. During the Black Plague" Arthur muttered. "I died when Prussia was disbanded" Gilburt admitted sadly. "I... left when the two Italies combined... and one of us had left to fit the bill" Feli said. That made heads snap over to him.

"Does Romano know you're a... a HOTA" France asked. Feli shook his head. "It was in the dead of night. And he was with Antonio..." He admitted. He finished wrapping my arm and I stood up off the ground. "And you" Arthur said, turning to me. I held my hands up defensively. "Answer this- because it's bothering me" Arthur asked, pointing a finger at my face. "Mortal or Heaven Born?" He asked.

Feli and Gilburt looked at me. The three blondes were confused. "What do you mean?" Matthew asked. "Heaven Born Angels are created in Heaven. Mortal born are human souls who died, and became Angels" Gilburt explained. "U-uh I-I'm a Mortal Born" I replied. Arthur was going to ask another question when Alfred interrupted.

"So tell me- who were you going to shoot? And why?" He asked, causing us all to look at him. "That was a demon. He's like an Angel. Except he's well... From Hell" Arthur said, while Feli looked at me calmly. Studying my face while I stared back at him. "Sorry about what happened to you" He whispered. I sighed, adjusting the sleeve of my sweater. I knew I couldn't hide it down here forever. Even if it was extremely faded that only a small bit was barely visable in harsh light. Let alone a street lamp.

"Are HOTA classes expanded to Hell?" Matthew asked, genuinely curious. "No no. They have SOTA. Sin Obliterated Trapped Animals. By that I mean they are crazy and have wild instincts. Like hound dogs. They can sniff out Angels or a specific person. But they died with revenge and evil deep in their souls. Like- take an assassination of an important president or person. That could be a SOTA if they somehow died before they had to kill that person" I piped up.

There was silence again.

"So why are Angels and HOTAs on Earth?" Francis asked. "We are meant to be secret. So don't you go blabbing about what we are to anyone else. And there are formations of Evil and negativity that take shape. In the past they were called demons- because before Angels had all but wiped them out, they took over people and caused bad things. Like epidemics and the cause of genocide. Now they are called Ghosts and are rather simple creatures. Only heavenly weapons like ours can kill them. But normally they are hidden from people without the sight. Like you lot and most humans" Arthur said.

"You mean those black and red things walking around London?" Alfred asked. We stared. "Oui. I 'ave seen them too" Francis piped up. "As have I" Matthew plugged in. I looked at Gilburt. "This means one of two-a things" Feliciano said, stepping forward. "Either you all have the sight- or they are getting stronger to be seen" He added, with seriousness in his tone. Which surprised a few people.

"But- I asked Antonio and Romano about them. They knew nothing even when one was dancing on Romano's head!" Francis said. "Sight" Gilburt piped in. "Well... That's... surprising." Arthur said calmly. I sighed and took my phone from my pocket. "We better get going. Romano and Germany would freak if they found out we snuck out. and found trouble" I said. Gesturing to the deep and wrapped wound that would take at least a week and a half to heal.

Arthur looked at his family. "If you tell a soul, I'll curse all of you" He said, turning and starting to walk away. I chuckled as Gilburt waved goodbye and Feli waved goodbye enthusiastically. As if what happened, hadn't happened. I smiled at them. "That wasn't a very Angelic thing to say" Francis murmured. "Don't worry, Francis. He's grouchy because someone found out. HOTAs and Angels don't like secrets escaping." I said, with a grin.

Francis smiled. "I'm glad he found you. Take care of 'im, Mon Cheri" Francis said. I felt my face heat up just a bit. "G-Goodnight boys" I said, rushing after my group quickly.

IT'S DONE. Dammit guys you can't stay out of trouble. Can you? I mean DAYUM. <sorry if not well written. Using my phone because I'm having problems with my writing situations atm>

See you on the Dark Side~

Undercover Angel  (Hetalia Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now