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For those feeling like shit and those feeling like... the opposite of shit... I'm here with another Update and a Hug for those who need it~! ALSO another Timeskip. Because I apparently like timeskips. ._.b


I've met multiple Nations now. You can say that 'I've been shown the world'. Yeah I'm going to stop quoting Disney songs and get a move on with whatever I'm supposed to do. So- I've gotten really close to Italy and Arthur. And I even met up with Italy a few times and Arthur tagged along. We just talked about our Angel work and things. But Italy wanted to know if he could partner up with us. That particular day we were sitting outside a rather nice looking restaurant. Eating a nice Lunch.

I looked at Arthur who seemed to look fond of the idea. I looked back at the Italian who was smiling cheerily across from us. "Of course, Feliciano. We'd be happy to have you" I said with a smile. Italy's own natural smile got wider. In the course of a few days, he got a couple casual bracelets that turn into pistols, and a thin piece of dark blue ribbon graced his little finger on his left side, a matching choker made of the same cloth was around his neck. Both of those were a sort of blade. But I think the ring is a Scythe. He had a few earcuffs that seemed to be pistols.

I realized that we all wore weird amounts of jewelry. Like our earcuffs. Those haven't been in style for a long amount of time. and the chokers the boys wore seemed out of place. Especially for Nations of high stature. "What is your mission, anyways?" Italy asked me. I had the file in my bag today. We all were supposed to do a short Ghost Hunt around London before the next meeting, that started at five this afternoon.

I pulled out the royal blue folder and laid the papers for my official job out. "I'm supposed to stop this darkness before it gets too out of hand. These Ghosts are starting to become a bigger problem too and I can't help but think that it's this thing's fault" I said as Arthur took the papers up and Italy took a couple of papers that looked alittle goldish. 'What's-a this?" Italy asked. He handed me the papers and I looked them over.

"Looks like the after-lunch plans will have to wait" I said. Arthur and Italy gave me weird looks. I waved the papers in one hand. "Because we got something better to do" I said with a cheeky grin. I got the papers back and put the folder away. We all stood up after leaving a tip and some cash to pay for our meal, which was already complete.

We passed by a table with some oddly coloured heads of hair under different types of hats. Their backs were mostly to us but I caught a glance of strange hair under a beanie. And let me just say, this wasn't any sort of Prussian joke. If it was, I doubt someone would dye their hair pink of all things for Prussia's sake. Though- personally us Angels don't have room to talk.

And yes. Angels normally have strangely coloured hair. Take mine for example.

We got out of the restaurant and started a quick walk around the block. Looking like normal citizens and talking while we walked. We were supposed to be on guard for demons lurking around. Demons are higher class ghosts and take human forms, or in most cases, posses antoher's body. Their horns usually stay in place no matter what for they take. So they wear hats or hoodies to hide them. They do have wings, but those can be easily hidden within their backs.

I stopped infront of an allyway that caught my attention. I'd have to check it out later. It got late and the two countries bade me good luck investigating, and to call if there was an issue. They went off to the last meeting of the week an I waved them good bye.

I wandered casually along the streets as if I had all the rights to be there. I got dark and I found that allyway again. My Angel senses were flaring up. Meaning I could sense danger even before my phone went off to alert me tot he already present threat. Which it hummed softly in my hoodie's pocket. I walked between the buildings to get the street on the other side. Hands in my pockets and humming a soft tune.

Undercover Angel  (Hetalia Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now