Meeting a HOTA

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AAANNNDDD I'm back. Again. For the second time today. So. Hello! How are you? Doing good? Good good. Doing bad? Well you deserve a hug and an update. Which is why I'm here! That's enough of my stalling. TIME TO BEGIN. WITH THE STORIES.

I woke up sitting on a park bench. It was raining, and it looked like a rather heavy storm. I stood up and looked around. I was supposed to be in the area of my staying. Were was it? I dug in my bag for an umbrella but it was buried too deep. I didn't want to have to crawl halfway into my own bag to grab the thing. Especially with a few people walking by quickly. Witnesses.

I flopped back down on the bench and ran a hand through my already soaked hair. A sign was posted to a billboard. It had lights on the top and a coverig that was about a foot long on each side. I stood under that and looked at the billboard. The side I was looking on was a map of the city I was in.

"London... okay... can't be that bad" I said, finding my phone on the top of the bag and opening it. As it was disguised as a Flip-phone and not the holographic screen in heaven. There were two clocks. One was in Roman numerals, which is Heaven's clock. The other was in normal numbers. London time. "It's only seven in the evening... I can still find someplace to stay" I said, putting the phone away. I checked the map and found a café nearby. My stomach rumbled and I needed something warm to drink. So I started a run there.

I forgot I was still wearing the gold sandals, so by the time I got there my feet were freezing. I walked in and the loud hub-bub of the shop quieted every so slightly. I dug in my bag for one of the many wallets provided for global travel. I pulled out some cash and ordered a Hot Chocolate and a baked good of their choosing. Which was a cinnamon roll.

I got my order and thanked them before paying. Where I found a seat by the large window pane and listened to the shop come alive with more chatter. I pulled out my file and read over it as I ate. 'Lessee... Assortment of ghosts have appeared in this world... that's not good. They weren't able to appear here before... and seem to be part of a new darkness that threatens to break the bonds between it's counter world....' I thought, reading over a few papers.

I found a small packet of four papers stapled together. It was on this world of itself. I read over it. 'Defining quality... personified Nations? That's alittle strange... maybe it's a weird joke?' I thought, flipping to the next page. "Excuse me" Someone said. I looked over to find someone standing there. He had messy blonde hair and emerald eyes. His eyebrows were a bit thick, too. He was obviously British.

He was holding out a few papers from the file. Only a map without much wording on it. Just numbers. I looked up at him and took them. "I'm sorry. I didn't notice they fell. Thank you" I said with a bright smile. He nodded and left to sit at a table with three other people in it.

I finished what I came here for an hour and a half after ordering. As I had taken my time to read and leisurely eat and drink. and packed my things up. I grabbed my umbrella as soon as I was away from that cafe and opened it. Relishing in the fact that I wasn't being pelted by freezing rain. I took out that map thing and saw the café was marked in the first spot, and an assortment of other numbers were scattered about. I flipped the map over and on it read 'Personal map' in pink pen. I put that away and grabbed the second paper the man handed back to me. On the back read 'Mission map' written in black ink.

I looked at it and I noted the paper was angel enchanted. By that- if a ghost appears nearby while I have it- they show up. And right now- there there three ghosts in the park I just went to. I put the map away and started running towards the park. Past the café window and down the corner of the street.

I put the umbrella away as I ran. I reached the park and saw the ghosts. The park was illuminated by street lamps that glowed whitesh gold, and the range wasn't far between each of them. So they blended in with the blackness of the night and the outlines of the buildings. "Oi. Bastards" I said, holding onto my necklace. They looked at me and laughed. As if I wasn't a threat.

"It's a puny human who can't do SHIT!" A small one laughed in an annoying high-pitched voice. "At least it's not an angel" Another said in a deeper and slower voice. "I dunno guys... she's holding her necklace pretty tightly" Another said, a bit weary. I smirked and ripped the necklace off. It didn't break thanks to the little button clip on the back. The black ribbon glowed and turned into a duel bladed scythe. "IT IS AN ANGEL!" They screeched.

I could feel some sort of presence that I decided to ignore. I took a step forward as my Angelsona appeared. The white dress with billowed sleeves and the corset was my Angelsona. "O' wicked spirit born from a lost soul in limbo. Receive judgement from the garb of the Holy Virgin: Cleansed of worldly impurities: Return to heaven and Earth." I said calmly.

They started shaking. "REPENT MOTHERFUCKER" I shouted, dashing towards them. But they absorbed the rainwater and grew at least the size of a redwood tree. I stopped short and used the force to jump and start a slash on the chest of one. I landed on the top of a tree nearby. But a sort of magic on my feet kept me from falling on the leaves. It was a swirling circle of white magic. It surprised me because Angels normally don't have magic. I glanced down at the ground to see the blond haired guy from the café. He was wearing a white tunic and the gold ribboned sandals. Which was standard Angel outfitting. "Hurry" He said, in a rather snappy tone.

I launched off the magic circle and did a flip as I slashed two of them in one go. They exploded and I faced the last one. I returned the scythe to the necklace form while still in mid-air and took the bangles on my wrist and they formed double pistols. I shot at it's head. Yellow holes made gaps in it's black and red surface. Then it also exploded. No more ghosts.

I landed perfectly on the ground and my normal clothes appeared in place of the Angel ones. I turned to the blond headed bloke. "Sorry but... who are you?" I asked him. "I'm Arthur. Arthur Kirkland. I didn't mean to follow you, but you seemed to be in trouble..." He said. His normal clothes returned. Which was a black turtleneck like my own but his clung to him while mine was a sort of wool. He had on a dark green hoodie with faux tan fur on the inside. He had dark blue denim cargo jeans.

I put my pistols back to their bracelet forms and held my hand out. "I'm Anna. Anna Johnson. It's nice to met you Arthur" I said. He shook my hand quickly before opening his umbrella. "So- you're an Angel?" Arthur asked, holding it over the both of us. "Are you?" I asked. Though it sounded like a sort of cheesy pick-up line. He stuffed one hand in his pocket and pulled out a HOTA class Angel Pass. I raised my eyebrows as my jaw dropped. "Your a HOTA?" I asked in awe.

HOTA was an extremely high Angel award and privledge. It's given to the people who have died in some way but deserved to come back to life on their own world. Mostly for those who have been murdered unfairly or try to attempt Seppuku. Or- if they are able to change their world. So moments after death or whenever it is safe to  return- they are given new life and a mission. Which is to protect the people or grant their wishes. They are the Earthbound Angels of the Elite. But they cannot return to heaven again. Thus become immortal beings.

He put the pass away as I dug for mine. I pulled it out and revealed it. "Class A. So an Elite Angel... you're high on the scale too" Arthur said. I rubbed the back of my neck as I put the pass away. "Do you have a place to stay?" Arthur asked. I looked up at him, and raised a quizzical eyebrow. "Are you offering me lodging?" I asked. He nodded. I raised an eyebrow but a paper appeared in my hand. I read it. In large pink letters was the word "ACCEPT". In the corner was the lettered BM. It meant BIG MAN.

I stashed the paper away quickly before Arthur could see it. What's with the Big Man and writing in pink? Maybe it was his favourite colour pen. He does have alot of multi-coloured pens. I looked at him. Angels could be trustworthy either way... "Alright. I accept" I said after a moment of walking. He looked at me then nodded.

And that's how I ended up staying at Arthur's house.


See you on the Dark Side~

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