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(`・ω・') warning- cursing, slight manga spoiler

・2nd pov

You eyed the blonde next to you who was mumbling incoherent curses at himself, probably something about not wanting to die young— the usual. Sticking with him all these years made you immune to his utter bullshit, can't say the same for his future companions though.

(You feel bad for the fact that Nezuko was going to become his future wife, she's a saint for dealing with him.)

"Welcome back," two synchronized voices announced, catching everyone's attention. You glanced in front of you to see a pair of similar-looking siblings wearing identical kimonos.

In all honesty, if it weren't for the fact that you knew the tree of the Ubuyashiki family, you would've instantly thought that the duo were twins like you and Zenitsu.


"— We're please to see you're safe."

"So? I made it out back alive," Genya said, "What do I do now? Where's my sword?"

"Patience. First, we shall issue you all uniforms," one spoke out, "We will start by taking your measurements, after which your rank will be engraved—"

"— There are ten ranks in all..."

As the two started to list out the ranks, you began to zone out, your mind wandering off. Really, there was no reason for you to listen to them if you were going to forget anyways, so why bother?

You weren't one with good memory either as you could vividly remember failing to spell the word cat with a 'k' instead of a 'c'.

That sentence was a bit contradictory, erase that.

Two claps rang in your ears, causing you to glance up at the sky to see a flock of crows latching onto everyone's shoulder— including yours. Well, everyone besides Zenitsu who was either fortunately or unfortunately given a sparrow for no apparent reason.

"Now that you are demon slayers, everyone will be assigned each of your own Kasugai Crow."

"We get crows then?" Tanjiro asked unexpectedly, "What for?"

"These Kasugai Crows will be used primarily for communication," a twin replied, getting a satisfied nod from the burgundy-haired boy in response.

"Did you say 'crow'?" Zenitsu anxiously queried, "Isn't this a sparrow though?"

He held up a tiny, delicate bird within his index finger to showcase it everyone near the vicinity, causing you to snort in response.

"That's kind of a perfect match, to be honest. That sparrow matches with your little teeny personality!"

"Hey, stop embarrassing me!" Zenitsu cried, "At least my tiny sparrow is cuter than your ugly, big fat crow!"

"How dare you," you gasped. "Say that to my face!"

"At least my sparrow is cuter than your ugly. Big. Fat. Crow!"

"Oh, I will so sucker punch you down the nearest curb-!"

"Are you two done?" Hinaki asked.

You arched your brows at the examiner's sudden statement until you peeked behind your body, realizing that your outburst made everyone stare at your direction.

Fuck, you weren't good with attention.

You soundlessly apologized at the two siblings.

"I don't need this crap! Who the hell cares about some stupid crows?" Genya barked, flinging his crow away.

𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚・k. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now