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(`・ω・') warning- cursing

・2nd pov

The shadowy figure behind the river stood the familiar silhouette of Jigoro with his eyes going soft when he laid his eyes on you.

The grass beneath you feet felt like a wooly carpet as you looked at your arms to recognize you were wearing the same haori you remembered wearing during your days with gramps, Kaigaku, and Zenitsu— a gorgeous yellow with drawn white waves on the edge of your fabric.

It was your favorite, but in the end you figured you wanted to match with your brother instead.

"... Gramps?"

You muttered, your breathing going heavy as you felt your eyes burning in both confusion but joy to face your loved one.

But as you tried to cross over the river, you couldn't help but feel the prickling feeling of spider lilies clinging on your legs like ropes, completely stopping you from getting anywhere near closer to your grandfather.

"Gramps! How did... how did you die so early! You weren't supposed to..."

The older man's expression didn't falter whatsoever as you continued trying to detangle the flowers out of your legs, your words coming into a clutter when you kept trying to communicate with your grandfather.

So many thoughts in your head bunched up into one.

Why now?

How now?

Why... you?

You never questioned how the news went so early since you knew it was probably your fault... right. It was your fault.

You changed the scenario thus cutting off Jigoro's lifespan.

It was your fault.

You were to blame.



You halted, looking over the edge of the water to see tears slowly pricking down the edge of your grandfather's glistening eyes.

"You are my pride and joy."

Under all the dirt and gravel underneath your beaten body, you felt your sight recovering as you blinked away all the dust accommodating your body— the breathing in your lungs concentrated as ever.

You couldn't feel anything, more specifically your right arm felt absolutely numbed to the touch.

Your head was pounding, almost as if you forgot something important, like a message you should've kept within your memory but was completely wiped away to your distress.

A message that should've been given to you years ago before traveling to this world.

With the small amount of strength you could harbor in your body, you slightly turned your head as you started to automatically cringe at the sting of pain edging your neck, almost regretting that you decided to move.

"Caw...! Caw! You woke up!" Your crow sputtered, flapping its wings, "You woke up!"

Right, your crow.

You never had a close relationship with your crow unlike your other peers since you only ever focused on training rather than the people around you.

But you still gave your crow a name of course, it deserved one after all.

"Nana..." you croaked, your voice burning for even a drop of liquid.

𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚・k. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now